Chapter 12

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I friggin' love this song!!
Its so beautiful and the way they synchronize is awesome

Anyways I am on holiday so imma update. Thank you to everyone who is reading my story ~

"Taehyung? "

"Oh hey 👋 "

"Why are you here? " questioned jungkook

"I actually came to give you the notes of today's class"

"How did you know I was here? " he questioned again

"Well the science teacher told me to give someone in the rabbit shed my notes, so I came here, I didn't know you we're in it though" tae was actually beyond happy, but he reminded himself that he shouldn't be
So he kept a straight face

"Oh ok then thanks" said jungkook as he received the notes

Jungkook took 5mins to pick up his things that had fallen as the rabbits kept jumping as soon as they saw jungkook. Taehyung waited till the younger male was ready to go and then went with him to his next class.

It was quiet while walking so tae decided to speak

"If you don't mind me asking, is that song one of yours? "

"Huh? "

"The song that you sang that day, did u write it? " asked taehyung

Jungkook contemplated whether to tell him, because if he say 'yes' it would only raise suspicion as to why he wrote a sad song

After thinking he was about to reply but was cut off when

"Its okay if you don't want to say though" said taehyung


"Huh? " asked confused

"I did write that song"

"Oh...I won't ask anymore about it... " assured taehyung as he felt that jungkook was uncomfortable about that topic

"Hmm... "

They went inside the class and sat down in the last row, the principal entered the class , said 'good morning' which was repeated by the students and then started with the lectures.

That's when taehyung remembered that he wanted to ask jungkook about the programme hosted by the music class. He wanted to know if jk was going solo or he could be Jungkook's partner with whatever they're doing.

Since they we're in class taehyung couldn't talk but he had to ask him, that's when he saw a plain paper under his book. He quickly took it and wrote 'what are you doing for the music programme?? :) '.

He passed the paper to jungkook who was sitting a few centimeters (like 20cm) away from him.

Taehyung saw jungkook widen his eyes as tae passed the paper in a swift move as to not get caught by the teacher. It was so sudden

_why do you look so cute even while looking at a piece of paper?!? Ahhh so cute! His doe eyes mixed with a confused look! Everything about him is mesmerizing_thought tae and reminded himself the he should think that way. Yet again.

Jungkook picked the paper and wrote something on it and tossed it back to the black haired male.

'I haven't decided yet but I'm thinking of just playing any of the instruments with anyone'

'Oh....have you picked partner yet? ' asked tae

'Not yet' replied jungkook

'do you have anyone in mind? ' questioned taehyung as he was nervous of Jungkook's answer

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