Chapter 4

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It was a five minute walk. Taehyung reached the park and was walking around the park, reminiscing the time he grew up there with all his friends.

He looked up the sky as soon as he heard a small thunder, the clouds were darker than before and it looked like it could rain any moment now.

But taehyung isn't planning to leave so fast, and its a good thing that he brought an umbrella _jin hyung is a savior_ thought tae.

The big rain has yet to start as it had already started drizzling by now.

Taehyung looked around the park to find no one in the park. He had only stayed and everyone left due to the rain. He thought he was only there until......

He heard distant humming.....

The rain was already pouring hard by now and taehyung wondered why would anyone stay....
But then he was doing the same.

He wandered around until he found a silhouette of a person in a white shirt and blue jeans. The person had no umbrella. The view was quite foggy so taehyung couldn't see the boy -which he assumed the person is a boy as he had short hair- he took a step front, although there was a fifteen feet gap between them, taehyung could finally see the hair color of that person.

It was cobalt blue.

_its the same hair color as jungkook , It couldn't possibly be him_ taehyung thought. He took another step forward as he saw that the boy had closed his eyes and his face was facing the sky. He felt that the boy -who he confirmed was jungkook - was sad.

Taehyung could see that the boy was crying even in the rain. It felt surreal for him. _I have to do something_ he thought.

He walked even more closer and extended his umbrella towards the boy. He didn't understand why he felt the need to do this but he still did.

When jungkook noticed that the rain was not falling on his skin anymore he opened his eyes to see that taehyung was standing in front of him. With an umbrella.

He looked at tae confused. Firstly he was confused why taehyung would stay in the park in this rain and secondly he was confused as to why taehyung was sharing the umbrella.

"You're jungkook right? Why are staying in the rain? You could get a really bad cold you know?".


"Uhhh since you're so drenched why don't we got to that shed over there and then when the rain stops you can go back to your house...".

Jungkook didn't talk back as he just obeyed and reached the playground shed (a/n: ya know the one for kids).

"So.... Why we're standing in the rain? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to tho"

"Its nothing" jungkook finally said.

That's when taehyung noticed his voice and he had a soft voice, _his voice would be so good if he sings_ thought taehyung.

"Oh ok then"

Taehyung wanted to keep the conversation going so that he could hear his voice more
He didn't have anything in his mind
He was thinking of thing he could ask him right now. Finally he decided he would ask....

"'re a third year student in caravelle uni. ? ".

He nodded _it was a little awkward when it was silent so I guess he is trying to keep a conversation with me_ thought jungkook

"Uhhh what major are you in?"

Jungkook knew he couldn't just for an answer now he had to speak or it would be rude to someone who tried to help him.


"Ohh that's great! I'm a game developer, I just really like games so I thought I would give it a try"


It was again silent for a few moments and taehyung was seeing jungkook's face who was seeing the ground

"Um I'm sorry if its too personal but you look really sad and uhh you would look good if you smiled...."

Jungkook lifted his head and looked at taehyung

Suddenly the rain seemed to have stopped and it was a very slight drizzle. Taehyung thought that it would be perfect time if they go home now or it might start raining again.

"Oh the rain seems to have stopped why don't we go home now and....I could leave you at your house if you want?"

Jungkook nodded a 'no' and said 'thanks' and went away

jungkook went home and changed his clothes as they we're still wet and flopped on his bed. He thought about how the rain stopped and it hadn't happened before. He lived alone. jungkook moved here for his college. He cooks himself but doesn't eat that much......after that.

He was sad about this day as it was something special last year but not anymore.

Back to taehyung, taehyung was feeling a little happy unknowingly. He did feel happy when he talked to him and he can't understand why?. He reached home and changed his clothes to night wears and ate dinner and slept. He hoped he'd dream about a certain someone.

Hey everybody!

Happy new year! Hope you all have a great year ahead! Take resolutions that you wanna do and do it! Prove everyone wrong! You can do anything!

Borahae 💜

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