Chapter 38 (END)

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"oh you're back, what movie do you wann-" jungkook cut himself off as he saw taehyung's concerning face "what happened? Are you alright....?"

"yeah I'm... Fine" he replied still a little slowly, looking for words in his mind

"you don't look alright" jungkook said, worried

Now both were seated on the sofa I front of the TV. Jungkook wanted to take it easy, and wait for him to say

After a few minutes of staring at nothing, taehyung finally looked up, turning to his right where jungkook is seated.

"it's that, Im just surprised" taehyung said what came to his mind first, then he continued, "I went there, he asked me about you, and talked about casual matters at hand, then he told me that I had the potential to become the next alpha" he said, all in one breath, as he just couldn't keep all that in

Jungkook was showing wide Bambi eyes with concern for taehyung and admiration. _the head alpha is going to retire? Then taehyung is the next alpha? He is gonna be a great leader but, I think he is feeling inferior and pressured, based on his expression. _

Jungkook opened his arms wide so taehyung could hug him, but just scooped him up and made him sit on tae's lap. He leaned his forehead on Jungkook's shoulder as the younger stroked his hair softly.

"are you scared? Do you think you'll not be good enough? Is that why you're hesitant?" jungkook asked softly, his voice so mellow that it could melt people.

Taehyung just tightly hugged him and said "I'm not scared bcuz of that, it's a big responsibility, and a lot of things happened, our former Luna was also like you, if I become the alpha, then you're the Luna. And I'm scared I might not be able keep up"

"well you saved me this time. And I'm sure you'll be even better if there even would be a next time. You should know that you're strong too." jungkook said trying to calm him.

"he told me that he'll train me for one year and he'll make me the next alpha only if I was ready. But I'm not... I don't think that I'm...." taehyung was searching for the right words

".....cut out for it? Is that what you're thinking? How would you know? How do you know you're not cut out for it? I don't want to force or pressure you by saying this but, you'll be a great alpha, I just know it" jungkook said with adoration laced in his eyes

Taehyung smiled warmly at jungkook and leaned in to kiss him softly. Although jungkook was kinda surprised and flustered at the sudden kiss, he gave in and kissed him back.

"you know you really make my life easier" taehyung said after they parted their lips and jungkook giggled and said "how is that?"

"it's bcuz, anything I have to do seems easier if you're with me. It's just that feeling I don't ever understand. When I think I can't love you more, you prove me wrong, making me love you even more. I just..... Don't ever want to lose you..."

Jungkook, as he put his legs on either side of tae's lap, pulled taehyung's head to his chest and taehyung wrapped his arms over the younger's waist. "you won't. I promise. I won't ever leave you"

Taehyung then peeked up, looking at jungkook with that ever glowing boxy smile, but jungkook didn't expect to see tears formed in tae's eyes.

"I guess I was just overwhelmed by the sudden situation, if you think I can do it, then I will do it. I still have another year, so I can train and be someone this pack can rely." taehyung said

"and we still have all our lifetime to love each other. And I maybe a little strong too, but I'll let you protect me. Don't overthink it." jungkook said sweetly

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