Chapter 35

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"before you came to room where I was staying when I had the cast on my leg, I was drawing with the pocket I had because I was bored. Then Frankie told me that jun woo was there at the abandoned factory. I wasn't expecting him to come and kidnap me the same day. But when I heard namjoon's being attacked I quickly put the note in my pocket out of reflex. Then he took me to that place but he tied my hands back, so I reached by pocket note and the pencil I had, because I heard what they were talking about, jaehyun said he was going to take jun woo to the hall, since I knew the hall so well I planned this and wrote it, sorry if you couldn't understand my handwriting, I was writing it without even seeing what I was writing "he said sheepishly.

"That was such a great plan, you have a good presence of mind. Taehyung showed me the note" a sudden voice interrupted the couple.

"head alpha.."

"call me jonghyun son. You know, what you both did not just save me or my position, you saved all the pack members and a lot of trouble. And Don't worry, we put jaehyun in jail. He is not below 18 too. I didn't even sign any adoption papers for him. Jun woo just came out of somewhere and gave him to me. So he isn't legally mine too. I don't know where I did wrong. I was really bad as a father... "

"no alpha. You may have not noticed when he was going bad, but you didn't just raise him. You raised all the  small teens in this pack to who they are now. Including me." jungkook said, defending his point that the alpha, was indeed a great person who took in a lot of wolves under his care.

"call me jonghyun and thank you son. I'll be going now. The doctor said you could discharge after two weeks. Then you still have to not get up for another two weeks. Stay safe, okay?" jonghyun said smiling

"I don't think I can call you that.... But can I call you.... Dad? Instead?" jungkook said shyly.

Jonghyun who just disowned a son, was down hearted, gave them both a happy smile and said "sure"

He left the room and let them be.

After a minute, the atmosphere became awkward that the two of them didn't open their mouths.
"do you need anything else? Water? Or-"

Jungkook giggled as a response to taehyung, cutting him off. "I'm okay."

"please keep smiling like that" taehyung said who was in daze after seeing his laugh, jungkook got flustered and his cheeks and ears got tomato red.

They both talked about things that just happened for sometime and then ate dinner.

"do you wanna wash your hair? I'll help you with it." taehyung said, the you get was just awwing over how thoughtful and caring taehyung is.

Jungkook made his way to the sink with taehyung's help and put his head backwards down, taehyung grabbed the shampoo and helped him wash and took him back to the bed and made him sit.

Jungkook grabbed the towel, and raised his hands upwards to dry his wet hair while wincing slightly.

"I'll give you a hand"

Taehyung helped him dry his hair slowly and gently, as if, if he put more pressure on him he would break. That is how gentle he was. But while jungkook was peeking up to look at taehyung, their eyes locked.

No words were spoken but they somehow understood what each other were thinking. It was like the world stopped. Nothing was seen in their eyes except for the person infront of them. Taehyung slowly leaned in, not taking his eyes of that dreamy chocolate brown eyes. He looked at jungkook like he was his world. (how I look at food, k imma stop)

Jungkook leaned in too as both of their face was inches closer from touching. Just when jungkook closed his eyes and taehyung leaned in even more closer, on the intent of leaving no space.

"hey sorry I couldn't come! you were still sleeping when I came" hoseok said knocking just once and coming inside the room as it was open.

But they were quick enough to peel away. Taehyung was just acting like he was drying his hair, while the younger's face was red and flustered. _omg I was about to- I don't even know if he was okay with it! I can't do that until he is willing_ thought taehyung

"hey you're face is red! are you feeling well?" hoseok asked.

"yeah I'm fine. It was a little cold. That's it." he said, reassuring the worried male. Hoseok stayed some time and talked to the both of them. Saying all happy words and lighting up the mood. "omg you should've seen Jin hyung's face. He cried ugly when he saw the blood in the lion's mouth-"

"DID YOU JUST CALL ME UGLY?!" Jin said suddenly, bursting inside the room.

Hoseok just kept laughing remembering the scene. Jin huffed and sat on the chair next to them, and namjoon followed suit. He came together with Jin.

"well if you're talking about ugly cry, then it's jimin you should be talking about. He cried like a baby-" Jin started, but was cut off someone bursting inside the room again.

"who's taking about me?!"

"I was talking" Jin said still laughing to jimin who came in with Yoongi. Yoongi was holding a bouquet.

"hey. Are you feeling well?" yoongi said softly. And handed him the flowers

"yeah. I'm okay, thank you for the flowers" jungkook said with a cute smile and put in it on the desk.

It was first time in a long time that jungkook had so many people caring about him. As they all talked and laughed and spent a lot of time chatting.

After sometime hoseok left saying he had to go to school the next day as he was a teacher. Jin and namjoon left next and jimin and yoongi left, saying they had to go too.

"bye hyung, drive safe" jungkook said waving his hand, as a gesture to say bye and sighed contently.

Now that it was just the both of them alone again. They remembered what happened before their hyung's came and it became awkward again.
_huh? Deja vu... _thought taehyung.

He saw the time in his watch and was about to get up to let jungkook rest in his bed and he should also sleep. But he was stopped by a soft hand tugging on the sleeve of his shirt.

It was just like before, they didn't need to talk, no use for words, they understood each other. Taehyung just smiled and jungkook moved a little back leaving space for taehyung.

He climbed on to the bed and looked Into those chocolate brown eyes again and pulled him close by his waist. Jungkook smiled contently, burying his face close to taehyung's chest and slept peacefully. Those nightmare are long gone as taehyung was with him now...


Hey guys this story is coming to an end and maybe 3-4 chapter left, so to make up for finishing fast I'll double update today😄

Thank you for your support all this time guys! I really liked writing and I'll save the other stuff abt this story at the end guys

Thank you so much!

Borahae 💜 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 💜

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