Chapter 31

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After the alpha left jungkook was getting up from his seat but taehyung stopped him and told him that he will help. After all that happened, how taehyung saved him a couple of times from getting hurt by those rogues yesterday and how caring he was towards the younger and how he is helping him even now, he was happy and impressed. He didn't know anything about how a mate would act. Jaehyun never did any of this for him. He was new to all these foreign feelings. He knew what it was but it was hard to accept it.

He just knows him for some time and taehyung is also probably regretting this. But he doesn't know how taehyung feels and taehyung doesn't know how jungkook feels.

Jungkook was so quiet at the first time they met. He was silent and taehyung took the initiative to talk to him. He kept sticking to the younger knowing he was sad for some reason. He didn't even know why jungkook was sad and he didn't even ask about it. He just tried cheering him up. He has such a good heart and the younger was happy he met a good friend. But as time went by he was feeling something weird and he didn't understand but now he knows the he has a crush on taehyung. But it still just a crush, he doesn't know a lot of Tae and he wants to know more now that he is also his mate. And he just absolutely loves when those sparks arise in his heart and the butterflies in his tummy whenever they touch.
But it still takes time till it becomes love...

Taehyung heard a sound downstairs and told namjoon to check on it and he heard namjoon scream slightly. He was worried but he had to be with jungkook if anything could happen sp he went to open the door but it burst open revealing the same man with the black robes

He came in pushing taehyung away, but he stood in his place mindlinking the other guards outside the house. He fought back to the guy but he was stronger. The guy kept kept punching taehyung in the same place while taehyung punched him in different places.

But what  the guy used was a good tactic in fighting. If you injure one place hard enough to make the person not move they can't fight back. Taehyung didn't seem to get it, but he also gave some pain worthy punches.

When Tae fell on his knees, the guy picked jungkook and threw him over his shoulders and jumped out of the window and landed on his feet. He was like a cat. He ran away into the woods while the head alpha was seeing Tae outside the door clutching his stomach.

Tawhyung punched the door and yelled in frustration. He couldn't save him. But he knew that the guy won't kill jungkook. He wants his power, not his life.

"Jun woo...?"
The head alpha said, looking particularly at no one.

"you know him?" asked Tae, it looked like he knew.

"yes, I know him. He is Jun woo. He was the guy who gave me jaehyun. When I was sad about not having an heir he said, 'I am not responsible enough to be a father. Take my child and raise him right' but what does all this mean? "

Taehyung was baffled, _did the alpha get his child from a Rouge?_

" alpha, he must've planned all of this. He might have given you his child to find out the omega with the powers. Do u think he is trustable? Did you know him when he gave you jaehyun? " he said. He was more than angry, now his mate is in the hands of a psychotic killer. A man who lusts for power and he would do anything to make jungkook obey to him.



"SHUT UP YOU INSOLENT BRAT!" Jun woo yelled back at jungkook who kept struggling under his iron grip. He wasn't weak but he wasn't strong enough for this monster of a man.

Jun woo put him down harshly, when jungkook looked around he noticed he was inside a forest of nowhere. There was a run down shed next to him. He was not familiar with this place as he had never been to this side of the forest.

"you! call your weeny whiny animal friends and I'll kill you!" he said through gritted teeth and took out his phone and called someone. He then tied Jungkook's hands.

After a short amount of time jaehyun was there and he was having a pistol in his hand.

He threw the pistol to jun woo and sat in a chair under the shed and looked smirking at jungkook.

"what are we waiting for? Tell him to do it." spoke jaehyun.

"nah we'll wait, everyone in their little impudent pack knows that this guy here" junwoo said pointing his pistol at Jungkook's head "is kidnapped and we have them, that'll make them scared of us and THAT Is what we want"

Jungkook backed away a bit and that made jaehyun snicker. "aww are you scared you little baby"

Jungkook didn't utter a word. He kept quiet and looked down. Jaehyun got up form his seat and walked over to jungkook and crouched near him and harshly made jungkook look at him.

"looks like we have some time to mess around till we do our Conquering, don't we?" he said, his hands trailed down to his shirt first button and he plucked it off. All jungkook could do was squirm in his firm grip and try to shove him. When he was gonna down further, he heard a hiss and a something suddenly pounced at him. He was trained by his father after all, he caught its head looking at the eyes of the snake that just tried to kill him.

"are you his petty friend?" he snickered and squeezed its neck more. He threw the snake away after it stopped escaping, but it quickly got back up and went to jungkook. It went under his shirt and circled his waist and kept its head on his shoulder.

Jungkook caressed it's neck where he squeezed too tight and glared at jaehyun for injuring his friend.

When a lot of animals started to gather to where jungkook was, they couldn't get anywhere near him because a pistol was pointed to Jungkook's head. They kept their distance from him in the fear that junwoo might do something to him.

Back in the pack house, all the well known warriors were assembled and told about the current situation. And all the people were informed about the kidnapping of jungkook nobody knew why, but they all knew that it was a very bad Rouge who lost his mind due to power.

"tell you Itty bitty friends to go away, I want only the big ones. Tell every single one of those carnivores to assemble here or you know the drill" jun woo said to jungkook.

And jungkook didn't even need to say anything, his friends were the ones who ran away so quick and called everyone of them. They didn't care about what the man wants, all they want Is Jungkook's safety. That is how much jungkook means to them.

Soon a lot of carnivores were present, tigers, lions, eagles, vultures, rhinos, foxes, hawks, snakes, and even crocodiles. They were all standing guard but they could do nothing as the pistol was aiming Jungkook's head.

If they wanted they could bite and tear the limb off of that guy who is holding the gun, but that might make him press the trigger. Jungkook was their hostage and they have to obey.

A lot of people, who are the men of jun woo gathered, but even if the men were outnumbered by y the animals, the animals stayed quiet.

Jaehyun put jungkook over his shoulder and jun woo was beside him holding the pistol still on point.

Jaehyun jun woo and jungkook were surrounded by two layers of his men all in black ragged clothing. To prevent from any surprise attacks from the animals.

They reached the pack house with their army of animals and their men.


Oh God they caught him...

Hope u liked today's chapter

Borahae 💜

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