Chapter 22

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_wait did I just think that?? Im- _
Jungkook couldn't really understand that he thought that taehyung was warm. When he comprehended his statement he blushed. He couldnt stop the blood rushing his face as he nuzzled into tae's fur to hide his face.

Now taehyung was screaming internally was an understatement.
He had tornadoes rushing into his mind. He just witnessed jungkook nuzzling into his fur and if he was an anime character he would be a nosebleed. Like a fountain.

It was so cute but the physical touch by the younger was giving him sparks in his skin and butterflies in his tummy.

It was a weird feeling at seeing how contrast the feeling was as Sparks and butterflies were two opposite things.

When they finally arrived to the house. They both entered the house but taehyung went to inside the kitchen behind the counter and shifted back and wore his clothes.

As much of an urge taehyung had to ask about the whole omega thing, he thought maybe jungkook doesn't know about it himself. So he decided to ask about it when the time is right.

-time skip-

They are leaving the college grounds at the moment, As the long day had finally ended with maths as his last period.

They both walked to the main gate together as jungkook kept his eyes glued to his phone and taehyung taking quick glances at the younger from time to time and looks back at the ground.

Both of them didn't notice a big ruff guys standing in front of jungkook looking at the latter very keenly as he takes every step.


Taehyung was quick to catch the phone that was about to fall and break while jungkook stumbled after running into.....? Who was it?

Jungkook raised his head to only widen his eyes in terror as he didn't ever want to run into this one person he hates the most but still loves, in the tiny corner of his heart.

"missed me?" the guy said with a smirk

Jungkook just looked at him with sad and mad eyes, while taehyung was concerned for jungkook being this way all of a sudden.

"no" the younger said in a monotone.

Taehyung was still confused but now he knows that 'the guy' is someone the younger knows.

"aww come on don't be rude Now."
The latter said but jungkook just walked away. While taehyung -who was just as big as the said guy- walked with him.

The guy held Jungkook's hand making the younger stop in his tracks, to turn and look at him.

"let go of my hand, jaehyun"

Now it was taehyung's turn to be shocked. He was so angry he could've punched the latter's face and kicked him in the shin.
he was cut off by jungkook slapping his hand away from jaehyun.

"wait I have something to talk about-"

"we have nothing to talk about!" the younger said.

"well, then your wrong and I have something to talk with you, I'll be waiting for you in our usual place, the playground behind our pack territory be there by 7pm" jaehyun said as he waved off his hand and went to his bike to go where ever he was headed to.

While jungkook just stood there glaring at the man riding his bike and dissappearing in the corner of the road.

Now taehyung who was fuming with anger, he just wanted jungkook to not to go to someone who rejected him after cheating on him. He prayed all the gods that existed saying please make jungkook say 'no'.

JungKook had a hurt feeling in his face and a slight anger.

They both went to Jungkook's house in a silent atmosphere. It wasn't tense, just a little too silent.

Since they asked for extra classes for music, as they had the upcoming programme, it was already 6:00pm when they arrived home.

He still had one hour to meet jaehyun.

Before going into his house, jungkook looked like tearing up any minute.
And taehyung just couldn't imagine jungkook crying in a corner of his dark and lonely house. And he won't have anyone to comfort him.
Nope he did not at all like the idea of that.

"wait" the older said as he held the door by hand before the younger could close it. "if it's okay with you we could work on our song for sometime..." he asked in hopes of a favorable answer.

Jungkook was in the brim of tears by now. For two reasons, one, he was hurt already and right when he was about to move on, the devil appeared again. Two, taehyung didn't want to leave the younger alone and this was the most comfort he got in the last few months.

When someone knows that you are hurt they try to give you space to think things through. Everyone always tells "it's okay, I'll give you time, you can talk when you feel okay" they won't come into our comfort zone to go through it. We ourselves want to be alone. But there is a thought in the corner of our hearts, waiting for someone who would break out Comfort zone just to let our emotions to flow. This is the type of guy Tae was at the moment. Jungkook wondered if taehyung is like this to everyone.

Jungkook just nodded to tae's request as he thought he didn't want to be alone like he has always been. He wanted to let him in.

Taehyung went inside and they both just started to work on the song just like the said excuse.

And while yawning taehyung just looked at the wall clock without noticing. It was 6:57pm

The older glanced at jungkook, the younger suddenly sighs.

_is he gonna go?! I'm in no place to ask him to not go... I wish we were close enough to say that...... Omg why is he getting up is he gonna go? _ taehyung thought as he saw the younger getting up.




Is he gonna go? What do think jaehyun is planning??

Well u gotta wait...
Mianhae : )

Also I wanted to clear one thing. I do not know that there was person  called jaehyun in NCT-U
I just randomly put that name there.
Please don't imagine his face there. Imagine a buff, stupid faced guy cuz he da villain.

Borahae 💜

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