Chapter 34

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"NOOOOOO!!" taehyung yelled as two bullet went towards jungkook.
And jungkook yelled the same words.

He jumped down from the window on jaehyun, Knocking him down, and went to see if the younger was okay.

"no no no no Frankie no!!" said jungkook as he held his cat in his arms, he didn't care that he was bleeding in his side. The cat jumped in front of the bullet to save jungkook. If this doesn't say how loyal they are, then nothing does.

"jungkook you're bleeding!" taehyung yelled as he carried jungkook bridal style. He quickly rushed out side and headed to the doctor's main office in the pack house. Jungkook kept sobbing and crying in his arms.

"PLEASE CAN YOU GIVE HIM TO A VET? PLEASE?" said jungkook to the nurse who came to the entrance with a stretcher.

The nurse got the cat from his hand and went away, while taehyung and a few more people came pulling the stretcher to the icu.

"does it hurt? Stay strong! Please" ensured taehyung. He was crying internally. He can't lose him. He won't.

"I will-" jungkook said but the pain started kicking in and he started to feel dizzy from the blood loss.

"keep him awake." said the doctor through the surgical mask that he was wearing.

Taehyung started to slap lightly on his cheeks to keep him awake. An oxygen mask was worn by him, he kept slightly opening and closing his eyes. Partially awake.

They took him inside and taehyung waited outside pacing the halls, scared and nervous. He was still waiting, and three hours went by so slow form the time he came.

The head alpha came to the hospital to check jungkook. "what did you do with jaehyun and jun woo?" asked taehyung.

"I actually locked jaehyun in a room. He hasn't killed anyone before. But jun woo has murdered a lot of people. And before we could catch jun woo, he was taken away by the wildlife, away somewhere." he replied.

"I don't really care if he died. I just hope jungkook is okay. He got shot and he lost a lot of blood. I'm really worried. I'm..... I'm actually scared" taehyung said.

"I'm sure he will be alright. I'm more interested in how you escaped" the head alpha asked, the last he saw of taehyung was when he got dragged by the lion inside the room.

"that's a long story-" before he could start, the doctor came out, taking off his surgical gloves and his mask down.

"doctor is he okay??! Did any of his organ get injured?! Will he be fine?! Did he wake up!? If he didn't how much time till he wakes up?! Wil he be fine!? Will anything affect his daily life?! I hope it doesn't!-"

"taehyung, first, take a breather, he is alright." the doctor calmed taehyung and then spoke.

"he is alright. I have taken out the bullet and added stitches. He won't wake up until tomorrow since anesthesia was required. He bullet was not aimed perfectly, so thank God his organs are fine. The bullet hit his muscle near his stomach. Its like a scratch. He need rest for at least a month. I know you will take care of him till then, you are the power couple of the town now" the doctor said, laughing slightly at his last sentence.

"can I go see him now??" taehyung asked eagerly.

"you can, but he won't wake up. It's not because of his injury, its is only because of the anesthesia. He might wake up by tomorrow evening. he needs to-" the doctor spoke getting inside his room but stopping after seeing what was happening inside.

There were a lot of tiny flowers littered over at the table near his bed and a lot of tiny birds flying over him. He was still asleep, but that didn't stop those birds from visiting.

"uhm... I'll leave you to it" doctor chuckled and left the room. Taehyung entered the room and sat on the chair next to jungkook holding his fragile hands. He looked over to the birds and put his index finger on his lips, making a gesture for them to be quiet.

The birds then slowly left the room to him and went away through the window. Taehyung took his hand and rested it in his palm, looking at how smol it is, but how much he can fight. He fought so bravely when they were in the forest. He didn't freak out like others, no offense, he quickly handled it and sorted a plan. Without taehyung he couldn't have escaped. He trusted taehyung so much that he chose taehyung to do all the work. Not some random pack fighter who might have been stronger than taehyung.

After some time taehyung received a call from him telling him to eat dinner as it was already 8pm.

Taehyung had no heart to leave the place and so, he decided to make Jin bring the food to him. To which Jin agreed. Taehyung even decided to sleep there as the hospital was kind enough to provide a sofa in the room.


Jungkook woke up by the sound of something rattling near his bed.
He slowly opened his eyes, adjusting his eyes to the bright morning light, and looked over to his left, where taehyung placed a tray with water and tablets and some buns.

"oh sorry did I wake you?" taehyung asked,

"no I woke up by myself, anyway what time is it?" he asked noticing that there was no clock in the room.

"it's 1pm, and don't worry you were only under anesthesia. It's common to sleep long hours. But are you feeling well? Can you sit up?" asked taehyung, trying to make the younger sit up as he might be hungry cuz he hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning.

Jungkook winced a little at the pain that shot through his injury, taehyung made him sit and handed him the bun." it's just normal bun, I couldn't get flavored ones because that isn't good for your health now."

"that's okay, but I really need to know what happened to Frankie. Is he alright?" jungkook asked, he didn't forget what happened.

"he...." taehyung was a little hesitant but jungkook had no patience, he needed to know.

"he is what? Is he fine?"

"he is okay but he lost a limb. He was actually still walking with three legs. The vet couldn't make him stay in one place so we actually don't know where he is now... Sorry I'll try to find him" taehyung said getting up from his seat.

Jungkook held him back by holding onto his hand, squeezing it and nodded his head 'no'.
"Its okay, I know where he might be, maybe in my house or my bag"

Taehyung nodded and sat back down. Jungkook ate the buns while taehyung was folding the sheets on the sofa.

"hey I wanted to know, how and when did you think of the plan?" he asked out of curiosity, it's been running in his mind since yesterday.


Sorry for all the ruckus but I wanted to keep some cliffhangers 😂

Y'all be like: why do you keep killing my babies?!

Me : why am I killing my babies???!?

Anyways hope you liked today's chapter, vote and comment

Borahae 💜

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