Chapter 20

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"please don't leave me..."

As soon as Tae heard those words he knew that the younger was having a nightmare. But what could he do.
_omg I hope his nightmare is not so bad. You get nightmares on mostly bad days. But he had a good day today. He was happy and smiling....
So that must mean he is having this  erveryday... Right?
You don't suddenly get nightmares without reasons. This must be an everyday thing. I can't believe this. How much days has he suffered these nightmares. Even though that bastard cheated on him he is pleading to not 'leave him' In his dream_

Meanwhile in Jungkook's dream, he was seeing all black and running. He could see a lot of shadows people around him and he sees people who was helping him in those times. He saw hoseok giving him a smile tell him 'everything will be alright', he saw Jin hyung giving him an assuring smile and every other person who said comforting things to him

Then there he was, taehyung
That was the first time he saw taehyung in his dream.

He was surprised that Tae was in his dream and Tae showed off his beautiful box smile making jungkook return the smile
But it soon turned sad as he saw someone behind taehyung
That person pushed taehyung away and went near jungkook and took hold of the younger's hand and dragged him somewhere
While he was struggling, he noticed taehyung walking away from him with a sad face
_why is he leaving me? I want him to stay I don't want him to leave me_ he thought as he said small 'no' and reached his hand out to taehyung

An evil laugh was heard from the person dragging him as he turned to see that it was jaehyun who was dragging him. His face turned terrified.
He needed to go away but he wanted to reach out for taehyung but the older didn't look back

"please don't leave me" he said to taehyung, not knowing he was actually saying this in his sleep too.

As Tae was seeing jungkook have a night mare and he had no idea what to do. He got up and went near him and squatted before his bed.
He gently caressed Jungkook's face, touching his soft cheek and tucking a strand of hair which was on his eyes. He rested his palm on his face and he saw jungkook visibly relax. He didn't know that it would help but he was thankful it did.

He saw Jungkook's face still very lightly tense, he leaned forward to Jungkook's face and his lips reached his forehead as he gave a very light and warm kiss.
He couldn't hold back.

He didn't want to wake him up but he wanted him to help him out of his nightmare. And he was glad that the younger relaxed a little. He held the younger's tiny hand and got up.

He got up again to go to his futon when something soft held him back. He turned to see that jungkook was softly holding his hand and who is he to say no.
He was still asleep and this was on reflex. He sat near jungkook some more time and finally got up and went to sleep. But not before noticing the time, which was 2:47am and it was Saturday that day and they had a holiday.

Jungkook shifted on his bed and finally woke up, opening his eyes lightly and adjusting to the morning sunlight and slowly got up. This action was very subtle but still taehyung woke up due to it.

As jungkook saw taehyung face as he started giggled. The older gave a confused look and jungkook answered "your bed head" and started laughing very lightly.

"well, your bed looks cute too" he said and added "and funny" so that it wouldn't turn awkward.

But it was late as jungkook subtly flushed a slight pink but thankfully Tae didn't notice.

They both looked at the time as it showed 6:12am in bright red on the digital clock and got up to go wash up.

Tae used the one on the guest room and changed to his old clothes and got out. It was still early and taehyung still didn't understand why jungkook woke up so early on a Saturday. Aren't people supposed to sleep in?

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