Chapter 18

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"Ok then, make yourself at home"

Taehyung stepped inside his house then looked around, his house smelled of flowers, the house had white and baby pink colored walls, it had stairs leading up to, possibly, the bedroom. It had a living room and a kitchen to the right side of it. This house had all things in warm colors like baby pink and blue, lavender, light yellow etc.

"Wow your house looks comfy! " said Tae


"Wow did u pay them to paint this way? Did u choose all of this?" He Asked with curiosity

"Uh no. I painted it myself" said male replied surprising the older.

"Oh wow... That's.... That's awesome" Tae said looking around

They both sat on the sofa that was infront of the TV. Tae was just staring at Jungkook who was rummaging his bag. He took out his note book and and another one out of the drawer under the TV. He kept turning pages to the page where the song was written in the new book he just took out. Then tae suddenly him stopped and looked at jungkook. Then he scribbled something on the book which they used when they went to the forest.

"Turn the page...... maybe.... We'll find a..... Brand new ending? " jungkook read as taehyung wrote.

"Uh it just came to my mind, maybe we could use it somewhere, I don't know, it just-"

"Its beautiful" said jungkook with a warm smile looking at taehyung slowly.

_I think my heart just skipped a beat. Am I gonna die...? Yeah probably from his cuteness_ dreamt taehyung

"Keep smiling... Its beautiful" said taehyung without his concise

"Uhh.... " jungkook didn't have words to speak as he was a blushing mess.
His face was a red tomato. Jaehyun never made him blush this way.

"Omg did I say that out loud??!?! Shit! I'm sorry I didn't mean it!! Wait no I MEANT IT YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL but i-i meant it like-"

"I understand" jungkook said as he gave a faint blush again while giggling.

It was a very teeny tiny bit awkward but after they started working on the music, it was smooth.

-time skip- {possibly Cuz I'm lazy to write how Tae kept looking at him with a fond Smile the whole time}

As time went by and nobody noticing it, it was 8pm. And that is when tae received a call. Before he could pick up the call ended. When he went to call jin-hyung again, who was the one who called, he sent a message.

I'm at the pack house. I'm helping the people who fought with rouges just now.
Just go safely to the house and stay here with jungkook or be in his house
It might take until tomorrow morning for me to be back.
Stay safe
Love you

"What was it? " asked jungkook as taehyung kept reading his messages

"Oh its my hyung, he said he is helping the people who was at the rouge attack. So he told me to bring you there or be with you here" said the older thinking, the younger wouldn't like the idea of doing that.
"He said that cuz maybe he thought we shouldn't be alone, maybe they didn't catch all rouges and maybe one escaped or someth-"

"Oh its okay you can stay here" said the blue haired male, then he made a face as if he was thinking and said "but would you be comfortable at your place? "

"Oh no its no problem I can stay anywhere" said the older frantically
He would miss a chance to see sleeping jungkook. As crazy as it sounds, taehyung likes to see Jungkook's face relaxed and peaceful. He caught jungkook sleeping at the library once and since then he couldn't get that face out of his head.

"Oh Ok then let's just eat before sleeping then" said jungkook as he went to the kitchen.

Taehyung just nodded his head then turned towards the shelf next to the TV as something suddenly caught his attention. He went towards the photo frame, and looked at it as he saw a big wolf which was white in colour laying on the ground, scooping a very small baby blue colored tiny wolf. Next to it was jungkook in his graduation with the biggest smile. And another one with hoseok at a park.

"What are you looking at?" said jungkook suddenly coming from behind, startling tae

"oh the- the frame, the older wolf looks similar and the tiny wolf next to her is really cute" said Tae making jungkook flush a light pink.

"the bigger one is the former Luna" said jungkook but didn't finish his sentence, while Tae gave a knowing face and said "ohhh yeah that's who it was"
And as the younger continued "the tiny one is me"
Now it was tae's turn to flush a very faint pink.

"she rescued me from the forest when I was a little pup, I grew in the pack house and that's how I learnt to fight. She took care of me, when I didn't have anyone" he said reminiscing the past.

Taehyung saw how sad he sounded and had an idea. It was always fun when he and jin used to cook together. So he planned on asking that

"can I help you cook?" said the older as planned, while the younger was thinking _Taehyung is really considerate, he keeps my mood up every time I look sad, he makes me eat just like hoseok hyung, he waits for me everyday outside my house so that we could walk together, he is such a nice person.... Too bad his mate left him, Taehyung doesn't deserve this_

Jungkook's face beamed as he replied


I wrote this chapter a long time ago and I didn't post it cuz I was sleepy when I wrote it and it had the world's most deadliest spelling mistakes ever.

I had to mostly rewrite all parts 😅

Hope you like today's chapter
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And once again
Please be safe. Our Fandom is still incomplete without even one person.
We are strong. Let's get over with his pandemic together.


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