Epilouge + Story

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Shameless self promotion:

So I have a new story coming up. 😅

So this story is a mafia one, its about taehyung who is a powerful mafia leader, even the government fears them, and jungkook is a cute, nervous wreck cashier at a cafe

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So this story is a mafia one, its about taehyung who is a powerful mafia leader, even the government fears them, and jungkook is a cute, nervous wreck cashier at a cafe. They meet for a reason, that's what you'll find out in the story.
I swear it's not the cliché type of story, there a tiny twist and a lot of fun, it's my first time writing a story this way. Hope you give it a read when you're interested! Thank you so much for reading this little paragraph.


Its been a two years since incident with jaehyun and junwoo. It's like a bad and good memory. If jaehyun hadn't rejected him, jungkook would have never found love, this love, taehyung's love.

He considers himself the luckiest person and vice versa. They both are so in love. They started to go on small picnic dates and runs in the forest. They just can't seem to move away from each other and after finishing college taehyung took over the pack as alpha. Everyone praised him as he is doing such a great job, but it wasnt easy. He trained every single day. He worked so hard to protect and serve what he loves. He learnt so many things on the way.

Now, as taehyung wanted, he took over the former alphas company Alexis. It's a tech company who makes awesome games. He always wanted to make games and he got what he wanted.

Jungkook wanted to make music, he loves singing and it makes him relax. It was always a part of him and he intends to keep it that way. He is a secret artist so he hides his face like marshmallow. He likes his personal space and he can also perform on stages wearing the mask so he lost nothing. Nonetheless his music is what matters.

It was like everything was finally going the way they wanted. They even moved in together. It was movie night and Tae was finally out of his built in office-room to make video games.

"are you done?" jungkook asked smiling, sitting on the sofa, holding popcorn in one hand, and wearing a huge oversized shirt that hung loose on his shoulder.

"yeah, I just rendered the walk through. I need to make adjustments but it's my game my rules, it can wait." taehyung replied, stretching his arms and then sitting beside jungkook and stroking the younger's hair

"mhm then let's get it!" he said giggling.

"okay but are you sure?? I'm pretty sure you heard the spoilers. So if you're gonna cry I don't want to" Tae said concerning

"yes, I heard the spoilers and I'm probably gonna cry but aren't you here?" the blue haired male said picking up the remote

"okay then" he replied and avengers: endgame started playing


"omg I can't believe they made Iron man die! I thought the spoilers were not true. But nooooo they killed him. I hope you meet Stan Lee there" jungkook cried and said sniffing

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