Chapter 9

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I never really thought I would get 200 views overall but I'm really glad
So I'm gonna write another chapter.
Hope you guys enjoy.

After jungkook agreed to be his friend he (jk) turned away and started looking at the sky, but taehyung felt glee and didn't take his eyes off of jungkook. He just kept looking at jungkook as if he was some kind of small cute little rabbit he wishes to protect from all harm.

_looking at him makes my heart flutter, its just been a month since my mate died and feeling this way towards someone is.......not.....the right thing to do......I can't tell anyone I feel this way, I have to hide it so that I won't be hurt, besides he might already have a mate or he still didn't find that person-_

He was cut off from his train of thoughts when jungkook said
"We should probably head inside, they might start looking for us"

"Y-Yeah you're right we should head in" tae stuttered as jk spoke out of nowhere.


"Oh you're here! Jungkook are you alright?? "

Jungkook nodded and the professor took that as an answer and said
"Oh okay then, also I see that you've already cleaned half of the instruments! Thank you so much jungkook "

"You're welcome "

Jungkook was back to work and tae was helping jungkook with whatever he was doing. The people around them just kept eyeing them because jk never accepts anyone's help to casually. Mostly they we're relieved to know that jungkook finally opened up to someone

The day went by as both of them helping each and ppl eyeing them.

As school ended they went back home together as they found out that they live very close.

"Oh you're back home a little late today and.....why are you smiling so hard?? " asked jin as soon as tae entered the house

"Oh its bcuz I was assisting the teacher with cleaning the music instruments"

"Ooookay that doesn't answer why you are smiling" asked jin. He was happy and glad to know that his lil bro was smiling truly, and wanted to know what made him this way.

"Oh its nothing hyung. I just feel happy, I really don't know why"

"Ok, if you say so"

With that tae went upstairs and got changed to casual clothes, sat on his bed and stared at his phone.

_I wanna get his number the next time, and also i just remembered that His accent is different, is he a Korean or Japanese? I'm half Korean so it would be cool if he was the same too_thought taehyung


"Hey, will you help me with something? I have to go to the restaurant right now! "

"Uh sure hyung what is it? "

"I'll give you the address so can you go and give this box to the house?? Please tae"

"Hmm on one condition you have to make me melon buns after you're back! "

"Fine! you brat, ok then I'm leaving, the box is on the table along with the address, bye"

"Bye hyung"

Tae went downstairs and took the box and saw the piece of paper where the address was written and went out

_omg its two blocks away!! This house might be nearby jungkook and I could get to see him again!...........I should stop thinking like this... _

"Oh found the address! " murmured taehyung to no one in particular

He ringed the bell and someone opened the door, it was none other than jungkook.

_oh moon goddess right when I thought I should stop thinking this way about him, you show his face right in front of me! what are you implying?!? _ thought tae

"Uh taehyung? "

" oh my brother asked me to give this to this address-" he stopped and showed that paper with the address and said "but I didn't know it was yours haha" taehyung awkwardly laughed.

"Oh yeah, I remember now, I left this at your house when I went there, thank you "

"Uhhh I'll get going then"

"Uhm okay then"

"Bye "

"Bye "

"Wait I have to ask you something" said tae before he could close the door

"...yes? "

" are you Japanese or Korean because your accent is different so..I thought you might be-"

"Japanese, I'm half Japanese"
(A/n: don't sue me ppl, I just think that both of them learning each other's  languages to say something will be cute)


I wanted to post another chapter cuz today is MY FRIEND'S BIRTHDAY

she was the one who Gave me the idea of main plot of the story. She ofcourse an army too, I'm really happy I got a friend like her.

Hope you enjoyed today's chapter
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