Chapter 14

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Gosh I got writers block and I got no ideas abt this book. I just started it for fun. And no. I'm not gonna discontinued it. I wont stop it but I just want to say that for sometime chapters would be pretty shitty.
Anyways let's get on the story.


The way they went to class, they heard noises and neared a crowd which was around a big tree branch.

When they reached the crowd they saw that there was a cat stuck on one the branches, and it was also the vice principal's cat.

A lot of students helped bring the cat down. They had ball of yarn, cat toys and a lot to attract the cat to come down. They all kept yelling 'please come down~' but the cat didn't budge.
The cat even started ignoring these people and started to sleep on that branch.

Jungkook saw the students tried hard to help but it was no use. He thought he would give it a try.
He went into the crowd as people moved away so he could go through the crowd. Taehyung was just looking at what jungkook was doing and went behind him. When the younger was exactly under the tree, he called out "come down". The cat suddenly looked up and saw who was calling him.
"Please" said jungkook extending his arms

The cat got up and stood on all fours and leaped from the branch and landed right on Jungkook's arms.

Everyone cheered when the cat finally came down and the vice principal thanked him and tried to take the cat away from jungkook. But the cat didn't let go of his arms. The cat clawed anyone who tried to take her.

"Oh come on please come to me, he has to attend his classes" whined the VP (vice principal) as soon as all the other students left.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking, why did you bring your cat to the college?" asked taehyung as he was still seeing all of this.

"Oh that's because she was sick, I had to take her to the veterinarian after college but as same as all the pet animals she didnt want to go. I brought her to college to distract her but she escaped her carrier. "

"Oh so what's her name? " asked jungkook suddenly.

"Its hanuel"replied the VP and continued "But she isn't letting go anytime soon, I don't know what to also have to go back to your class" he said as he tried once again but the cat went all "MREOW" and almost clawed him again.

"Sir its okay I'll take him with me to class....if that's okay cuz he isn't letting go of me" said jungkook.

-Time skip- {coz I'm lazy}

They were currently sitting inside the class and hanuel just roamed and climbed all around jungkook. And the students (and the professor) kept glancing at them as they were so cute.  Jungkook doesn't seem to be bothered by it tho. When the cat didn't recieve attention she sat on his notebook and slowly touched his hands which was writing, with its small little paw.

Jungkook looked at the cat and smiled warmly and then ruffled its head as it purred at him and nuzzled its head in his arms. The crowd which was looking at this cute scene went all "AWW" and cooed at them.

Taehyung who was also seeing thought _why is he so cute when he isn't even trying?!? My heart is probably gonna break dance with how fast it is beating!! He is THAT cute!!  I just wanna kiss his cute little face!...... WAIT!! NOO! TAEHYUNG TAKE THESE THOUGHTS AND THROW THEM IN THE TRASH! STOP THINKING THIS WAY!_ he found it ridiculous that he was arguing with himself.

jungkook only had morning classes that day and taehyung too. So after  the class they went together with the VP to the vet bcuz she still didn't let go. Even when the vet tried to inject him she kept clawing at him until jungkook came near her and just said "hanuel".
It made the cat stop and taehyung and VP were just surprised. How could the cat listen to all his commands?

_I have heard about omegas having powers.... But this is not the same right?........yeah its probably not, jungkook is just so cute that all animals like him _ thought taehyung.

After that the cat just slept on the way back home inside the carrier while on car. The VP thanked them and dropped them off at their house.

"The cat was really cute, wasn't it? " spoke taehyung as he reached the front door of jungkook's house.

"Yeah it was....then i'll see you tomorrow at college"said jungkook.

Taehyung went home and freshened up and sat on his bed thinking about jungkook _Now that ive figured out my feelings, I know that I like jungkook but I also told myself that I wouldn't tell anyone, if I just keep it all to my self it wouldn't hurt anyone right?_ he just assured himself that everything would be fine, he knew he would get hurt at the end but for now he wanted to cherish jungkook's existence.

"taehyung can you do me a favour?!?" Jin said suddenly bursting into his room.

"Ahhhh hyung you scared me!!"

"Yeah yeah, now can you be a good boy and do the laundry for me, im going out with namjoon in like 20mins and I totally forgot about it, so ive got to get ready. "

"Uh huh, then what's in it for me?" Said tae

"Fine you brat i'll bring you take out hamburger, now will u do it?? "

"Okay!! You really know how to convince me huh? "

"Of course I'm you big brother ;) "

With that jin left the room and also the house with namjoon. Taehyung groaned and went up to his laundry basket and put it in the washing machine and went to jin's room to bring his.

Jin's room has a small rack filled with books. All kinds of them. Some we're informative and some we're albums and stories. He went past them and took his basket to the washer and came back to put the laundry basket where it was.

While going out of his room his eyes found something familiar in jin's book shelf. The book kinda looked a little old but it was also huge. He went over to it and pulled out the book.

"Our family album?"


Hope you enjoyed today's chapter.
There is a lot of drama and plot and back story that I planned when I came up with this story so hope u can look forward to it.

I had been thinking about something and I thought I'd share with you guys.
I just randomly space out sometimes and ponder on things happening around me. I always thought I didn't have any talent when compared to other people. I guess not just me, alot of people have this thought. So I recently had a dream (not a bad one, it was actually like my friends encouraging me) and woke up thinking about it for an hour. And at the end I thought that we don't need people's help, all we need is someone who support us with our decision. We need someone to believe in us. Someone who trusts us and give their opinion if they think we're wrong.
We all have our problems and dreams we want them to happen. Not everyone has a supportive person with them. But you should never give up. Whoever you are, reading this, I want you to know, you're worth it, you're talented, in your own way, you  just don't see it yet, you don't need a dream to know who you are, just do what you like, that's who you are...


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