Chapter 36

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~one month later~

"jungkook are you really okay? Are you sure you wanna go to the college?" the principal asked. She was still not okay to let jungkook some to college, because he was shot and she was overreacting.

"I'm really okay." jungkook said through the phone. Assuring her that he was okay. She hung up after saying 'okay then, take care. And be careful!!'

"who was that?" asked taehyung who was sitting beside jungkook, he came to Jung Kook's house to watch a movie and eat dinner there too.

"it was the principal"

"oh your aunt?" taehyung asked.

"my...... what?"

"your aunt! She introduced me to you saying you were her nephew" taehyung asked. He surely remembers their first meeting. How could he forget? It's still so vivid.

"oh..... You mean that..... She is aunt" the younger said, choosing his words slowly.

"what do you mean she's not?"

"I...... Saved her son once. It was just like this, another attack by the rogues. So I saved her son. His hands were cut and the doctor said, if I had come a minute late he would have died. That was actually my first fight. So I didn't know what to do. I saved those children Instead of fighting them. So the principal calls me her nephew cuz I don't have parents." jungkook finished the quite long story of how he became someone's nephew, not legally.

"oh so you don't have any relatives..."

"yeah.. It's okay I don't feel bad" jungkook said looking down

"you have me and our hyungs. I won't leave you. I really wanna be with you a long time." taehyung said locking eyes with the younger.

Jungkook flushed a light pink and looked back at those black orbs. The sound of the TV dimmed from their ears as they could only hear each others heartbeat. The light breeze touching their skins, sending shivers, they both leaned closer and face so close again, like how they were in the hospital room a month ago.

Taehyung leaned in and cupped Jungkook's cheeks and the younger closed his eyes, but he felt a pair of lips touch his forehead.
Jungkook was kinda bummed, he didn't get what he expected but this is okay too.

_woah that was so close, I was about to kiss him! Although I can't still believe he is my mate, I need to give him time to recover from the 'jaehyun incident'. I just want him to fully move on and be happy with me. _ thought taehyung. (Readers be like, noW KISS!!)

They both were watching the movie and jungkook slept half way. Tae carried the younger to their room and he slept in the other room.

When jungkook woke up in the middle of the night to drink water, he remembered that taehyung isn't even sleeping next to him. He always sleeps down on the futon or the sofa.
_he is always keeping a distance. He doesn't even kiss. He's always doing this, but it's hard to say that what i see in his eyes are not from love. It is from love. His eyes are telling something but he is doing another thing. _ jungkook thought and sighed, he went back to sleep.


They both are currently going on taehyung's bike to college, but today jungkook is holding onto taehyung's waist tightly instead of his shoulders, he always holds his shoulder but today it's different. He even leaned his head on his back.

Jungkook looked a little dull today. He was walking like a zombie. So slow and dull. Taehyung has no idea why he is being that way.
"are you feeling okay? You can skip today if you're not!" he asked, concerned

"yeah I'm okay" he said a little dull but with a small smile

"if you say so"

Half the day just went by so quick but with jungkook being dull, they had lunch break, so they sat together. "why aren't you coming?" taehyung spoke to someone on his phone. "you have a date? With yoongi hyung? Come on you said you'll eat with us today" he said to jimin.

Jimin just waved it off and asked sorry and hung up.

"you don't have much food on your plate, why? Are you okay? Is your stomach hurting? Is that why you can't eat?" taehyung spouted a lot of questions.

Jungkook was on his phone but he kept it down and said "I'm okay but I just found out that I'm suffering from basorexia"
(a/n: guys please don't Google it now, I'll upload the next chapter at the same time, you'll find out there.)

"oh... Is that really bad?" taehyung asked not really knowing what it means

"yes. very." jungkook said and ate his food. Taehyung looked down, not even knowing what it meant but concerned about the younger

They both went to class after and done with their day, as they both got on taehyung's bike and rode to their houses.

Jungkook got off at his house and taehyung quickly kissed his forehead and rode back to his house.

Since tomorrow is a weekend, jungkook decided to clean his house a little as it was messy without his care. He spent the night mostly cleaning his room, kitchen and hall.

Taehyung on the other hand, went home and was greeted by Jin hyung, asking him to help to make a ton of kimchi.
"we ran out of kimchi and I just noticed, it's a big work so you have to help me, we also have to make extra for Jungkook's house" Jin said and taehyung wore gloves to help him with it.

As they were both done, it was 9:00pm and it surprisingly took three hours to complete the task.

He went to his room and washed up and flopped on his bed, his hair was slightly wet, but coincidently jungkook washed up at the same time, now both of them, are on their beds thinking about each other.

Taehyung looked for his phone on the bedside table and quickly typed in what the younger said he was suffering from and his eyes widened.

He quickly got up from his bed and, he was wearing a sweatshirt so he changed his pants and wore a coat and stepped outside feeling the cold breeze. "where are you going at this time of the night?" Jin asked

"to jungkook" was all he replied

He didn't use his bike or anything, he just ran to Jungkook's house and he stood at the front door deciding to ring the bell or not, but he soon rang the bell, huffing due to his run from his house.

He was met with a sleepy looking jungkook in his pajamas, but he looked a little surprised to see taehyung on his front door.
Taehyung came in and closed the door, so jungkook decided to ask what it was

"what are yo- mph"

        ~  () () () () () () () () () () () ()  ~

Please don't go to Google and just read the next chapter

Hope you like today's chapter Borahae 💜
Love you guys, that you for reading this book
Saranghae ❤️

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