Chapter 15

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"Our family album? "

Taehyung opened the album and reminisced all the memories that came with every photo. He saw the picture where his mom, dad, his brother and himself as they all wore a flower crown with matching flowers, and the other picture where they all went on a family trip to an island (not their own) and when they went to the beach and made a big sand castle with a flag at the top made with a stick and a leaf, he smiled as he went through the pages until he reached the last page, the photo was taken when he met the former luna.

The former Luna was an omega. She was very friendly towards everyone and a very happy soul. She was a great leader and was very beautiful too. The photo was taken when he was 10 years old, when it was autumn. The Luna, jin and taehyung were in that picture together.
But one thing caught his eye.

His head and shoulders had a little sparkly thing stuck to it, which kinda looked like snow.....or ice.

He wanted to ask jin about it, and he waited more than an hour watching tv.

He checked the digital clock that was mounted on the wall to notice that it was 8:19 pm
He wondered how long before jin comes home. And right que, jin cane home and opened the door with his keys.

"Oh hyung you're back! "

"Yeah why is the room so dark"

"I was watching a movie, anyways how was your date?? "

"It was AMAZING~" jin replied dreamily his eyes sparkling

"Oh that's good to hear, anyways I have a question to ask you"

"Oh what's it about?? "

"Hyung I saw our photo album and I saw a photo where we met the former luna, it was autumn season, even the tree around us in the picture shows that its autumn, so why do I have ice stuck to my shoulder?? " explained taehyung, waiting for an answer

"What ice--, oh that ice" exclaimed jin as he saw the photo that tae just showed him, and continued "wait, you don't remember??"

"What don't I remember? I remember she was friendly and we had fun! " said tae as he was confused now

"She was an omega, with powers" said jin and tae's eyes widened.

_of course!! How could I forget?! They're not so rare mostly a lot of omega's have powers but only, all omegas are not powerful enough, but our former luna was so powerful!! She was awesome-_ tae was interrupted from his train of thoughts when jin said

"She was the last powerful omega though, I wish she was still here... "
Jin said sadly

"Its all because of those stupid rogues, those people who lust for power, karma is a circle and it will always come around, they will pay for everything one day!" Tae shouted in an angry tone gritting his teeth.

"What's happened has happened......" There was an awkward silence so jin spoke "so how was school today? "

"It was good, great actually" said tae with a smile etched on his face

"Oh someone is in a good mood" teased jin

"Yeah I guess I am"

"Hey did u do ur assignment? Or homework or whatever? " said jin suddenly becoming a strict parent

"Yeah hyung I did it at my college, so im free now"

"Hmm no you're not free, you're gonna help me in the kitchen" snickered jin

"Only if u give me ice cream after, deal? "

"Deal" agreed jin with tae's silly request.


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