Chapter 37

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"what are yo- mph"
Jungkook was cut off by taehyung kissing him after making him lean against the door.

Taehyung didn't seem to stop, jungkook closed his eyes leaning in to the kiss, enjoying the warm feeling, they kept kissing until jungkook need air to breathe. They both parted and leaned their heads, their foreheads touching. Jungkook kept breathing softly, their breath turning into white mist due to the cold night atmosphere. and taehyung was just having a content look on his face.

"I guess you know what I meant then" jungkook said smiling

"I'm sorry, I was just... Trying to give you time to make you come to me, after you move on and become happy again. I was waiting till you're all right to do this, to be happy. I guess I forgot that I wanted to be with you when you move on to be happy, you're my happiness and I want to be yours" taehyung said, feeling guilty because he neglected to think about what jungkook might be feeling

"you already are" jungkook said, smiling widely cuz what he thought was wrong, taehyung isn't ignoring him, he was just trying to do the right thing, but didn't know how to.

Taehyung leaned in again and kissed him hungrily, because he has been controlling his urge to kiss him for a long time. Their kiss soon turned into a heated make out session and when they finally stopped, Jungkook's legs turned jelly from the overwhelming feeling and taehyung carried him to bed.

They both got on his bed and cuddled till they slept peacefully. This was a great day, And they both can't wait till they are each other's everything.


"where were you all night? You left the house all of a sudden" Jin asked as jungkook and Tae came to eat breakfast there because Jin suggested.

"I told you that I went to jungkook. I was there all night"

"oh all night I see" namjoon smirked and nudged Tae, while jungkook blushed.

"namjoon stop teasing them, they can do what ever they want" Jin said, flipping pancake with the spatula

"what do you mean by 'do whatever' we didn't do anything!" taehyung screeched

"oh hey I forgot, head alpha wanted to talk about something to you" namjoon said suddenly remembering it

"what's it about?"

"I don't know"

"when? Is it something serious?" taehyung asked, curious already

"today evening, at 7. And I don't know, he had a stern look. Kinda hard to say what he was thinking." namjoon said

Taehyung was jotting down all the possibilities of why he might be called in his mind as he went or college with that in his mind.


"do you wanna be partners? The professor said to form a two-member group." jungkook asked.

"sure!" taehyung chirped and he remembered the time he was contemplating whether or not to ask jungkook to be his partner in the music program, he smiled remembering how nervous he was, but it's has been only half an hour since the professor announced but jungkook already asked him.

"what are you smiling about" jungkook asked curious

"nothing. Just how lucky I am to have you" he replied making jungkook blush a beet red

"do you wanna get some buns?" taehyung asked as they were walking down the hallway, "nope. Since you made me eat buns all the time during my recovery, I started to hate buns" jungkook said pouting cutely

"aww don't pout, we'll get something else. And I did it for your health" taehyung said

An beep sound from taehyung's phone, interrupting the duo

"oh that's my reminder, I have to go to the head alpha's house"

"oh! Okay, I'll get off at my house" jungkook said as he sat on taehyung's bike and holding him tightly and leaning his head on his back. The ride was fast and the air swishing their hairs made the styled hair into a frenzy

Jungkook got off at his house, and gave the bag back to Tae, as Tae got his bag back he held it in his left hand and used his right hand, to stroke and tuck some hair behind Jungkook's ear as it was in his face. Jungkook smiled and giggled at how taehyung looked at him, like a love sick tiger.

He then kissed his forehead and said "I'll be back in an hour or so, won't take long, lets watch a movie together when I'm back" and rode away to the head alpha's house. It was also the pack house.


"oh you're here!" the Luna chirped as taehyung entered the pack house.

"hello son! Come, sit in the sofa. Make yourself comfortable." the head alpha said coming from behind the luna

Taehyung bowed and walked slowly to the sofa. He was anxious as to what was so sudden to talk about
_is there another attack? Is something gonna happen to jungkook again? Are there people trying the same thing again? Now that a lot of people know about his powers, I'm scared. But nonetheless I can protect him. But the alpha seems calm. But you know how they say, calm before the storm? Omg he is smiling at me! I should respond_ he thought

"uh alpha? Did something happen?" taehyung asked choosing his words properly, not to offend him.

"oh nothing! Don't worry, were you anxious? I can see it in your face" the alpha said laughing slightly and taehyung responded with a nervous laugh

"don't worry its not anything about upcoming danger or any of that sort." he said, making taehyung relieved but now curious for the reason.

"how is jungkook? I heard he went to college today" jonghyun asked, starting a casual conversation.

"He is fine, he said he wanted to go actually, he missed a lot of classes. Although I bring him the notes, he insisted"

"then what about you? You must be tired since you help jungkook" he asked again

"nothing about jungkook makes me tired. If anything, I would like to be more with him. But I'm fine, thanks for asking" taehyung responded with a genuine smile, along with his genuine words

"that's good to hear. I actually called you here for something important, but it's not so important enough now." the head alpha said, coming to the matter, piquing taehyung's interest

"you know I'm forty right. I'm old enough to retire" the alpha said chuckling, "I don't have an heir too, he went to the wrong side. He betrayed the pack, threatened to kill your mate" the alpha sighed "I want to leave my company and the pack to someone I can trust. To someone who is strong. To someone I grew to rely on" he said looking at taehyung

"to someone like you" he said, taehyung was shocked was an understatement, he was dumbfounded. He was left speechless by the alpha's sudden words.

"but.... But I don't think im-" Tae started only to be cut off by the alpha

"I told you, it isn't important right now. You still have a year in your college and learning. I'll give you training to be a good ceo. You don't have to take any pressure now. Taking care of the pack is really easy. Don't be intimidated by this sudden offer. Take your time to think about it" he said finishing his sentence as he got up from his seat and smiled at taehyung and left the room, with a dumbfounded taehyung on the sofa

    *'*' *'*' *'*' *'*' *'*' *'*' *'*' *'*' *'*'
If you didn't get it yet, please refer to the picture above.

If you're not able to see then it means :
Basorexia : the overwhelming desire to kiss someone

Thank you for reading this chapter!!
The next chapter will be the last one.

Borahae 💜

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