Getting unwanted help

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sorry if this is long but i love to type.

I was walking to school one morning, minding my own business. Then out of no where I was on my back with some guy on top of me.
"Get the bloody hell off of me, you git!" I yelled at him. Then I recognized him, it was Alfred. One of the most hurtful, mean, annoying soccer (football) player I have ever meet.
"My bad dude, oh hey it's Arthur, right?" He said while getting up.
"What's it to you?" I snapped at him. I was sure he hated me. He usually knocked my books out of my hands in the hallways whenever he passed by.
He extended his hand. I just got up and brushed the dirt off of my clothes.
I hate this guy I really do.

"I was just asking jeez, what's your problem?" He asked.
"What's my problem? My problem is you! It always has been you!" I yelled at him.

"Me? What did I do? I said I was sorry." He replied. I had enough for one day and I just kept walking. I walked right passed him, not caring about what he said to me. I walked into the school with Alfred following me close behind. Why the hell was he following me? Sure we are in the same grade and all but he doesn't have to follow me to my first class.

"Dude I said sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. You need to cool down, man!" And with that I turned around and looked at him

"I don't need to cool down I need you out of my life! Why the hell did you even follow me, your class was 6 door down! Why can't you just leave me alone?!" I yelled at him. Surely I was going to get beaten later, but he needed to leave me alone for now.

He looked surprised when I yelled at him. Everybody in the class room looked at us. They all knew he beat me up at lunch or when I was walking home, but they would never help me, they just kept walking or turn their heads.

Honestly I am living in hell. I never knew my dad, My brothers , Oliver, Allistor, Carter, Seamus and Arawn, wouldn't help me and our youngest brother, Peter, when mum died 2 years ago, I had to work after school till mid night or when I decided to leave, struggling to make ends meet, am depressed with anxiety, and now this fool keeps beaten me up.

"Dude! Calm down. I just want you to know I'm sorry for bullying you all this time." he said to me. I knew that was a lie right after he said it.

"You're not sorry if you were you wouldn't have beaten me in the first place!" I yelled at him again, this time getting the attention of the teacher and, of all people, the frog, Francis.
"Wait what?" Now Francis was talking that was just fucking fantastic! "Alfred you've been beating up poor little Arthur?" Francis continued.

"HEY!!! IM NOT LITTLE!!!" I was now yelling at Francis. "I DONT NEED YOUR PITY, YOU SLIMY FROG, NOW GO BACK TO YOUR OWN PROBLEMS!" I finally stop yelling.

"oh but you do, I've seen you have been falling asleep in class a lot more lately and it worries me since you skipped a grade. Now please let me talk." I just want him to bud out, it's my problem and i wasn't going to let this slimy frog get in. WAIT! He watches me in class?

"NO go back to your desk and worry about your self! I can handle this by my self!" I was more then annoyed by them now. Why can't people just leave me alone?

"Arthur I am telling the truth, I really am sorry at least since I saw your little brother." Alfred said. My eyes widened when he mentioned my little brother. How could he have seen Peter anyways, he knows he can't leave the house without me knowing. But then again that would be easy for him since he hardley sees me anymore.

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" I hissed at him. "I saw your little brother yesterday walking with grocery bags in his hands, so I helped him, he didn't have a heave coat on and it was fucking freezen cold. I asked him his name and as soon as I heard 'kirkland' I thought he was your brother." he continued and I felt horrible like I was about to cry. " I asked him if he was related to you and he said he was, then he went on about how he misses you dearly and how you work all the time, but no matter how hard you work you keep struggling, he also told me how you lost your mother."

Tears started to roll down my eyes. Still at her memory I cry. I looked down trying to hide them. "Yea I'm struggling, but it's none of your business." I finally choken out.


I saw Athur crying with his head down when he finally choked out some words. "Yea I'm struggling, but it's none of your business."

The only reason I keep beating him is so he thinks I don't like him but honestly I love him, I just don't want him to know. I was shocked by his words. I would think he wanted help after suffering for 2 years. "Arthur are you ok?" Francis ask. "I'm fine, just leave me alone, please I don't need help" his voice got softer at the end. "But Dude..." I started to say but was cut off.

"No. Just leave me alone, like I said I don't need your pity." He was hurt badly, not physically but mentaly. I grabbed my wallet and pulled out what I had in it. There was $100 in it. I extend my arm and put it in Arthurs' hands, he looked up at me, confusion on his face. "I know you don't want help but just take this and get some heavy jackets for you and your brother, after all winter here can be deadly." I said to him.

Tears still running down his face. Then Francis pulled out his and gave Arthur what seemed to be $30. "Please take this, surely with a little boy to look after he need more food and so do you by the looks of it." Francis said. Arthur nodded his head and then the bell rings. "I'll see you later." I said to Arthur and Francis as I started to walk.

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