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It had been two months after Puck had crashed her wedding with Bradley. Sabrina had been talking with the boy, wait no, he's a man now. She had been chatting with the man for the two months, but he had always been busy chasing down magical artifacts to actually meet up.

One summer night, the young woman had brought home an old box from her teen years that she found in her parent's garage.

She plopped it on her bed and opened the flaps of the old cardboard box. And right on top was a framed picture.

The picture was of her and Puck, splashing each other in the Hudson River. It was when she had just turned thirteen and that summer, the family took many picnic trips over by the river. And one trip, Puck and Sabrina decided to go swimming. And when they were splashing each other and smiling like the best friends they were, Veronica snapped a picture, got it printed and framed, and had Puck give it to her that following Christmas.

That's when they started dating, and they were strong for ten years. Then he had to cheat on her. He just had to.

Sabrina smiled and wiped a few tears as she went to place the picture on a side table in the living room. She then came back into her room and continued to unpack the box and found old letters. They were the letters Puck would send when he was traveling with Uncle Jake. Sabrina picked one up and started reading it.

She read a few of them before picking up a small box. She opened it to find a bunch of polaroids that came from the old fashioned camera currently sitting in her living room, collecting dust.

They were from one summer night, back when she was a mere seventeen-year-old. Puck had driven them out to Long Sound Island beach and they had watched the sunset together. Sabrina had taken a bunch of pictures that night and didn't know that she kept them.

As she was flipping through them, all the memories flooded back. It was their fourth year together and he was the sweetest person ever that night. And as they watched the sun dip behind the horizon, Sabrina was sitting next to him, head leaning on his shoulder. He turned to kiss his cheek, but he saw and turned at the right moment, pressing his lips to hers. He cupped her face and the sun glowed into them.

Sabrina smiled at the memory and put the pictures back. As she was looking through the other contents of the small box, there was a knock on her apartment door.

The blonde went up to the door and opened it. And there he was. A 6'5 man with blonde curls and a bit of a scruff. He was wearing a green, zip up hoodie and jeans.

Sabrina placed a hand on his cheek and he leaned into it.

"Puck, what's wrong?" she asked.

"I-I'm sorry. I was such a douche for leaving you for Maria because then you almost got married and.....I don't want to lose you. I was so close this time."

Sabrina pulled him inside and shut the door. She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head on his chest.

And he didn't hesitate to hug her back.

He placed his face in the crook of her neck and squeezed her, needing to hold onto something. Sabrina practically melted in his arms and smiled into his chest.

He eventually did pull away and when he did, Sabrina placed her hands on his face. He wrapped his hands around her wrists and sighed.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. It was what, three years ago? I'm fine with it now."

Puck sighed and sat on the couch. He looked over at the side table and grabbed the picture.

"Is this the picture I gave you when we were thirteen?" he asked.

"Yeah, it is. Mom gave me a box of a few things back from my teen years and that was on top. Gosh I miss those days," she said, sitting next to him.

"Yeah, I do, too. You know? That day was one of the best days of my life. We were just so carefree and didn't care if we hated each other or not. I miss that."

Sabrina smiled at him and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. But as she was about to get up to get him some water, he grabbed her face with one hand and pressed his lips to hers. Sabrina was a bit confused at first, but evidently closed her eyes and accepted it.

But she pulled away, resting her forehead on his.

"Puck, we can't."

"Why not?"

"'s only been two months since Bradley and I  broke up. It's far too soon."

Puck sighed and leaned back, taking his forehead with him.

"And, we have all the time in the world! Remember when Canis turned my family into Everafters? Yeah, I can stop ageing. Just...give me some time, okay?"

Puck sighed and nodded. "At least let me take you somewhere."

Sabrina nodded and they exited the apartment. The two got into his car and they drove off.

As they were approaching their destination, Sabrina gasped from the passenger seat.

"We-we're going to Long Island Beach, aren't we?" she asked.

"You'll see."

Sabrina giggled in excitement and they continued to drive to their destination.

Puck found a spot and parked. The two got out and walked onto the beach. The two found a nice log and sat down. The sun was starting set and Sabrina laid her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you," she said.

"Of course, Grimm. You'll always be my number one."

And right as the sun touched the water, Sabrina put her lips to his and the two kissed until the sun disappeared.

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