coming out

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just wanted to let y'all know incase there are any anti lgbtq+ people reading this
ALSO, we are pro lgbtq+ on the account
now i've kept you waiting long enough 😂

"Hey Grimm, can we talk?"

Sabrina looked up from her journal and nodded.

The fairy and the blonde girl sat down at the kitchen table, across from one another.

"So, I haven't been completely honest about my past," Puck said, not exactly meeting Sabrina in the eye.

"What do you mean?" Sabrina asked, reaching across the table and taking one of his hands into hers.

"Well, you know how I loathe Peter Pan?"


"Well, uhm, I'm going to share with you why, but you have to swear not to tell a soul," the fairy whispered.

"Uhm, yeah sure. Just tell me."

Puck nodded and cleared his throat before starting his weird backstory.

"So, a while back, like a hundred years before I met the Old Lady, I was living in London. And I met Peter. At the time, we were both exploring with our sexuality. So we dated for a hundred years or so, but then one night, we were flying high in the night London sky, and he confessed that he had fallen in love with some human, Wendy Darling. So he broke up with me and took Wendy and her brothers to Neverland. Of course I'm still salty about it because apparently, he had been going to her window to hear stories about him for about a month, and I didn't even know. So then I made the decision to move here to Ferryport Landing. I'm not gay, it was kind of a testing phase, just to see where I was at with myself. Because then years later, I met you. But I'm also Demiromantic. It means I can only form a romantic connection after forming an emotional bond with the person beforehand. So that's why I've always kind of been a jerk to you. And I just wanted to tell you this because I felt bad keeping it from you. But please don't tell anyone else. I'm not ready for other to know, not yet. And, if your confused, yes I do love you, if that isn't obvious. I do not love Peter anymore. He is in the review mirror and you're my new finish line."

Sabrina kind of just sat there in shock. Of course she expected something weird, but not that weird.

"Well, now it makes sense why you hate him," she said with a slight laugh.

"But the demiromantic thing also makes sense. Because you and Daph became friends real quick, but it took us awhile to bond. But, di-did you just say that you love me?" she asked.

"Yeah I did. Because I do. I hope it doesn't ruin our friendship because even if you don't love me back, I still want my best friend," he whispered.

"Oh Puck, of course I love you! I just never expected you to say it back."

Puck smiled and watched her get up and run around to his side of the table. She sat in his lap and cupped his face. He pushed back a bit of hair from her face and they leaned in. They're lips collided and they both smiled.

Sabrina let go and pressed her forehead against his.

"So, can I go back to writing?" Sabrina asked.

"Yeah, of course."

Sabrina laughed and got up. She started walking back towards the family room, but then ran back and kissed him one more time.

"Okay, okay I'm going now," she said.

"Yeah, but the fact that you came back for more intrigues me," he replied, grabbing her hand and pulling her back.

Sabrina laughed and sat back on his lap. "Then do you want to come and write with me?"

"You know I hate writing, Grimm."

"I mean you can be with me while I write."

"Oh, yes. C'mon, I wanna cuddle in the couch."

Sabrina laughed once again and let him drag her over to the couch.

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