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High school.

Sabrina hated high school, but Bella and Natalie made it a bit better.

But, Puck made it worse.

Sabrina thought they had something, but when he started dating some girl named Tara, she knew he had moved on. So she moved on. Or so she thought.

It was a Thursday afternoon, the day it was only Sabrina and Puck at home. Henry was at work, being the sheriff at the police station, Veronica was making extra money by working at the coffee shop, Basil was at daycare, Daphne had book club, Red had lacrosse, and Pinocchio had woodworking club.

So that Thursday, Sabrina was downstairs, eating some apple slices and doing her Math homework. Everything was peaceful until Puck came downstairs, looking for a snack.

"Hey, slut, what are you doing?" Puck asked, throwing the pantry door open.

"I'm not a slut. I've never even had sex! If anyone's a slut, it's you," Sabrina shot back, glaring at the fairy.

Puck rolled his eyes and continued to search the pantry. He eventually found a chocolate granola bar and sat down in front of Sabrina.

"So, what are you doing?" Puck asked, biting into the granola bar.

"Homework," she mumbled.

Puck nodded and continued to eat the bar. Sabrina tried to ignore him, but he was chewing with his mouth open.

Eventually, she snapped though.

"OH my god can you PLEASE close your mouth?!" she yelled at him, looking up at him and throwing her pencil down.

Puck looked shocked but continued to eat. And he respected her wish, closing his mouth.

But Sabrina had to pick a fight.

"You know, why did you start dating Tara? I thought we had something!" she asked, looking back up at him.


"You heard me! After the kiss we had and all the times where you were so sweet, I thought once we got to high school, you would ask me out and then we would have the best relationship and it would all turn out okay! But it didn't, clearly. So why? WHY would lead me ON like that?!" Sabrina yelled at him, standing up, knocking over the chair.

"I thought you didn't like me!" Puck yelled back, also standing up.

"Of COURSE I liked you! My true's loves kiss WOKE YOU UP! What more do you NEED?"

Sabrina didn't wait for an answer. She just stomped to the stairs and got up halfway before Puck stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

"Please Sabrina, let me explain."

Sabrina huffed and slapped his arm. Puck drew it back, rubbing the red area.

"Sabrina, please. I didn't know and I felt like I had waited long enough, so I moved on. I genuinely thought you didn't like me! But now that I know, I'll break up with Tara! She means nothing to me! Nothing."

There was a beat of silence.


"What do you mean no?" the confused and conflicted fairy asked.

"No! You should've asked if I liked you, or looked out for signs! Sometimes asking is just the answer!! So use your GOD DAMN WORDS next time!"

She started to stomp up the stairs again, but Puck unfurled his wings, flew and landed in front of her, and grabbed her wrists. He brought his wings back in and quickly leaned in.

And before Sabrina could process what was happening, his lips pressed where pressed to hers.

Sabrina gasped in surprise but accepted the offer. She took one of her hands and cupped his cheek, Puck's hand was still on her wrist. Sabrina smiled and pulled away.

"Please forgive me," Puck whispered, pressing his forehead to hers.

"We'll see, Goodfellow."

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