oceanside dinner

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A senior student Sabrina Grimm walked into her family's house and walked up to her room. After the war, the family of five moved across town and away from the infamous yellow house, so the girl finally had her own room. She entered her room and set her backpack by the door. As she walked over to her desk to do her homework, she glanced at her bed and did a double-take. On her bed was a strapless, knee-length, midnight blue dress with silver sparkle accents and silver heels. She picked up a note, which was lying by the dress, and read it.

I bought you a little something because tonight, we're going out to a romantic dinner and I'm going to spoil the crap out of my girlfriend. See you in about an hour. -Puck

Sabrina smiled and looked back at the dress. She set the piece of paper on her desk and had a thirty-minute call with Bella, the two obsessing over the dress and questioning what the mystery date is. As they were discussing the dress, Sabrina checked the time and gasped.

"Oh! Bella, it's four-thirty, I've got to go."

"Okay, girl. Have fun!"

Sabrina said her goodbyes and hung up the phone. She quickly changed into the dress before sitting down at her vanity. She fixed up her makeup and applied silver eye shadow and a pink lip gloss. A touch up on the blush and concealer made the girl feel pretty. Then she applied a perfume Bella purchased for her birthday last month. She brushed her hair and curled it, making her feel more beautiful. She grabbed a silver clutch from her closet and stuffed her phone, her lipgloss and concealer, and a bit of cash inside.

As she was heading down the stairs to wait for her boyfriend, there was a knock on the front door. She rushed down the steps and threw open the door. The eighteen-year-old looking boy had clearly taken a shower because he smelled and looked fabulous. The fairy was wearing a fitted suit and nice shoes, his curly hair tamed. He was wearing a super good-smelling cologne and he had a huge smile on his face the minute he saw her.

"Wow, I knew it would look amazing on you, but I honest to goodness have no words," he quietly said.

Sabrina smiled and hugged him, reaching up to his lower lip with the heels on. She was normally as tall as his chin, but those heels made her a bit taller, finally.

She let go and asked, "Where are we going?"

"We'll see."

They were about to leave when Veronica walked over, Basil in her arms.

"What time are you planning on coming home?" the mom asked.

"Seven-thirty to eight. I promise we won't do anything bad, we're just going out to do a fun little thing," Puck replied.

"Alrighty then. I'll be up, waiting, so your dad doesn't freak out," Veronica said, earning a laugh from Sabrina.

"Okay, I love you," Sabrina said, giving her mom a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I love you, too."

Sabrina smiled and closed the door. The two got into Puck's car and he drove out of the driveway. Sabrina turned on their playlist and the two started jamming out, driving towards the sea front.

They parked in the parking lot of the town's fanciest restaurant, Ferryport Food Factory, and Sabrina gasped.

"How did you get a reservation?" she asked.

"I pulled a few strings, but we gotta go before they fill in our spot."

The beautiful restaurant was right on the sea front of the Atlantic ocean. They walked into the restaurant and checked in. A waiter took them to a table at the back, right next to a window which outlooked the ocean.

"I'll be back in a bit. Take all the time you need," their waiter said, smiling and walking away.

They opened their menus, and ten minutes later, Sabrina ordered spaghetti with sauce and meatballs with a coke and Puck ordered a slice of pepperoni pizza with Sprite.

The waiter walked away and Puck took her hands into his. "We need to do stuff like this more often because football season is gonna start up soon and I'll barely have time."

Sabrina nodded and smiled. "Well, seeing you at school is good enough."

Puck's face broke out into a huge grin and it made him look like a twelve year old again, which Sabrina liked.

"Y'know? I kind of miss the old days," Sabrina said, staring off into the ocean.

"The days where I pranked you 24/7 and I secretly loved you but pretended you were the worst thing to happen to me?" Puck asked.

"Yeah because even with the war, everything was more simple. We didn't have to worry about hiding our identities, we didn't have to worry about high school cliques, or math tests, or anything really. It was nice and simple and good."

Puck nodded and squeezed her hands. Sabrina smiled and they changed the subject. The two talked about school, new interests, and other fun things while they waited for their food to come.

Soon, the waiter came back and the two dug into their food. And for the rest of the night, they talked and ate dinner, laughing and sharing memories.

At eight-thirty, Puck dripped her off. They stood in front of his car, his hands resting on her waist.

"Thanks for an awesome night," Sabrina said, looking up at her boyfriend.

"It was my pleasure."

Sabrina smiled and closed her eyes as he leaned down. Their lips met and and Sabrina smiled.

"Well, I've gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow for family dinner," the blonde said after pulling away.

"See you tomorrow."

She gave him one final hug before slipping inside the house.

And just like her mom promised, she was waiting for her.

"So, how was it?" Veronica asked, sitting on the couch.

"It was amazing. We went to Ferryport Food Factor and I don't know how he got a reservation, but it was amazing," Sabrina replied, leaning against the front door.

"That sounds amazing, honey."

"Yeah, it really was."

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