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Sabrina Grimm, freshly seventeen (yes a senior now. Time really does fly), was sitting in the living room of her house, writing in her family journal, when the doorbell rang.

She looked out the peephole and found a familiar curly-haired boy. She smiled and pulled open the door.

Right after the town was coming back together after the war, Henry forced the family into a four-bedroom house. The kids finally got their own rooms and Sabrina couldn't be happier. She decorated the room to be her own and it was her safe haven. But Puck has been coming over a lot lately and even though Sabrina loved seeing her best friend, she would have to turn him away sometimes, just wanting to be alone.

But today was one of those days where she wanted to see him, so to see him made her feel all happy inside.

"Puck!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck.

"Hey, Grimm. What's up?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her waist. Today he was wearing a simple tee and basketball shorts with vans. Sabrina probably liked it more than his infamous hoodie and ratty jeans.

"I just wanted to see you today," she responded, leaning back in his arms.

Puck laughed and she let go. They walked inside and she closed the front door behind her.

The two walked into the kitchen and Puck grabbed an apple before hoisting himself onto the countertop.

"Is anyone home?" he asked.

"Nah, just Daph and I. Why?" Sabrina asked, going to stand in front of the boy. She stood in between his legs and smiled up at him.

He bit into his apple and shook his head. He swallowed the bite and grinned.

"Oh, I just wanted to know. Because I have something to give you and I'm not so sure your dad would approve," he said, cupping her face.

Sabrina stood on her toes, her face inching closer and closer to his. Their lips were about to touch.......


Sabrina sighed and let her heels touch the floor again. "I'm sorry. Do you want me to tell her no?"

"Nah, it's fine. And I could actually help her. I'm pretty good at English," Puck said, picking the apple back up and jumping down from the counter.

"Are you implying that I'm bad?" Sabrina asked, following him to the stairs.


Sabrina playfully slapped his arm and smiled when he smiled back at her.

three days later

It was the weekend. Finally. Sabrina was laying in her bed, texting Bella about what they should wear to prom.

"I was thinking like a tight, pink dress," Bella said.

"Maybe. Pink is definitely your color." Sabrina replied.

"So, who's you're date? Because if you're coming to dinner with Toby and I beforehand and you don't have a date, it'll be awkward af"

"Uh, no one. I guess I'll just go alone. We love going alone to the one and only prom of the year :)"

"Ugh. I'm sure Puck'll ask you. Just, give it some time"

"Haha. Prom's in a month. I wouldn't count on him. Oh, someone's at the door. I'll text you later"

"Alrighty. Bye!"

Sabrina turned off her phone and went to answer whoever rang her doorbell. She didn't look through the peephole, thank goodness, and opened it to find a familiar blonde, curly-haired, forest green-eyed, tall boy. He was holding a sign that said, "I'd feel like a CHAMPION to be your date to prom" and a rolled-up Champion sweater with roses in the same hand as the sweater.

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