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Sabrina looked at the clock. Midnight. Perfect. She threw off the covers and grabbed her favorite pillow and grey blankets, stuffing them into a backpack. She quietly slipped out of her room, her phone in the pocket of her hoodie.

She managed to skip the creaky steps and slipped outside to the backyard. She ran into the woods, her arms stretched out and a smile on the face. The fifteen-year-old had been given a lot of rules after the war, including 10 pm being her curfew. So running free in the forest felt good. Super good.

Soon she got to a huge clearing in the forest and sighed when she saw a familiar figure sitting in the middle, surrounded by what seemed to be lightning bugs, but were actually pixies.

Sabrina walked over towards Puck and when he heard her footsteps, he turned to look at her and sighed as well. As she drew closer, he shooed his pixies away and let her sit next to him.

"What are you doing out here so late?" the fairy asked and she laid down her blanket.

"I hate the curfew rule because I've been wanting to stargaze for a while, but I can't, so I snuck out," Sabrina replied, covering her legs with the other blanket.

Puck nodded and sat next to her on the blanket. She gave him half of the blanket to sit under, and soon the two teenagers were somewhat cuddling.

"It's really pretty," Sabrina whispered, looking up at the sky.

"Yeah, but you know what's more beautiful?"



Sabrina laughed and playfully pushed him. Puck smiled and laughed with her.

"No, but really, it is beautiful and I haven't seen anything like this in years," the blonde girl said after calming down and looking at the sky.

"Years?" Puck asked.

"Yeah. After my parents disappeared, I've never had time to try and see any natural beauties because I was too busy taking care of Daphne. So this is almost like a breath of fresh air because life was so stressful back then and I'm just so glad that I'm kind of allowed to do fun things like this now."

Puck scooted closer to her and started slowly rubbing her back. "I'm so sorry, Sabrina. I can't imagine that type of stress."

"Since when were you this nice?" Sabrina asked, trying to ignore that he didn't call her Grimm.

"Since I met you."

Sabrina turned her head to look at the fairy and found his face closer than expected. "O-oh," she whispered.

Puck's hand slowly crept up to her face and lightly cupped it. Their faces slowly inched together, but before their lips met, Sabrina put a finger on his lips.

"I'm sorry Puck. But you stole my first kiss and I'm not going to let you steal another," she whispered, not leaning her face away.

"I know, I'm sorry for that, but please. I love you, Sabrina Grimm," he said, his finger resting on her chin.


As Sabrina was about to say something, Puck pressed his lips to hers. She gasped in surprise but accepted it. She closed her eyes and cupped his face.

She pulled away and smiled.

"What was it you were gonna say?" Puck asked, a sly smile on his face.

"Oh, nothing."

They gave each other smiles before cuddling up and watching the stars. They would end up falling asleep there and waking up at sunrise, quickly rushing back into the house. Thankfully, no one caught them but it was definitely a night to remember.

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