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"Mirror mirror, near and far, show me where my parents are."

An eleven-year-old Sabrina watched the mirror smoke over, an image of her sleeping parents appearing in the reflection.

She started to silently sob, trying not to wake anyone. Because sneaking into Mirror's room was prohibited because Sabrina was sneakily making copies of Granny's keys.

As she cried into her hands, she heard the door creak open, and her head snapped up to see who it was.

And of course, she had accidentally left the door open a crack and the worst person to hear her crying woke up and heard her.


He was standing by the door, his face like a deer caught in headlights.

"What do you want, Stinkface?" she asked, wiping away her tears.

"I woke up and heard crying. Wondered if it was Marshmallow, but since it's you, I'm just gonna go back to bed."


Puck gave a sort of forced wave and silently closed the door. Even though Sabrina hated him, she really needed to talk to someone.

As Puck closed the door, he felt a wave of guilt come over him. I shouldn't have left her there, he thought. But I'm the Trickster King! I don't do nice! And she's a big ugly girl whose life is falling apart!

The faerie prince sighed and went back into the room. He was once again met with a crying Sabrina.

"What are you doing back here?" she asked.

"To talk with you. You clearly need it and I'm the only person who knows about this."

Sabrina nodded and he closed the door. Maybe this won't be so bad.

Why does he all of a sudden care? Sabrina asked herself as he sat next to her.

"So, is there a story behind this kidnapping?" he asked.

"I came home from school and they weren't there. A few hours later, Daphne's school called, asking why no one had picked her up. So I picked her up and we spent three days waiting at home for them. But then we were taken by child services three days later. And then we were in the orphanage for a year and a half until we moved here. And seeing them via mirror is the only way to know they're alive."

Sabrina looked up and saw Puck staring intently in the mirror.

"Wow," he breathed.

"Yeah. Such a sob story, am I right?" Sabrina replied with a sad laugh.

"I-I'm so sorry. No wonder you're always so mad," he whispered. "Ya know, you look like your mom, with your dad's hair."

Sabrina blushed and was thankful the room was dark. "Thanks."

"Have you tried anything to get them back?"

"Every night. And nothing works."

Puck rubbed her arm and Sabrina placed her hand over his.

"And please don't tell anyone. I don't need Granny knowing and I definitely don't need Daphne getting her hopes up or feeling bad for me because I can handle myself."

"So I should forget about tonight?"

"Yes, so continue to bully me please."

"Okay, I can live with that. Only if I can do one thing."

"What?" Sabrina asked, wiping away her falling tears.

Puck scooted in front of her and hugged her. It was a bit awkward, but Sabrina wrapped her arms around his neck and they sat there for a long time.

Mirror noticed this and the quietly disapparated the image of the sleeping parents. He smiled and left the kids alone, heading back into the Hall of Wonders.

Sabrina noticed her reflection and pulled away. "Anyways, uh, see you tomorrow," she said, standing up and leaving the room.

Puck smiled to himself and turned to the mirror. He said, "Mirror mirror slim and skim, show me Sabrina Grimm."

Mirror's face appeared in the reflection with an eyebrow raised. "And why would I do that?"

"Just fulfill the request!"

Mirror sighed and the blue mist filled the glass. An image of Sabrina climbing into bed. Puck smiled again and Mirror's voice rang out saying, "You like her, don't you?"

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her."

The image of Sabrina was replaced with Mirror's shaking head. "Watch out fairy, she's going to ruin your reputation."

Puck scowled at the man before taking the keys and leaving the room.

"See you later you piece of glass," he said, closing the door and locking it. 

He flew into Sabrina's room and set the keyring under her bed before heading into his own room.

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