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It was the end of the school day and Sabrina was walking out of her high school science class. Yes, Sabrina Grimm was in high school, with Puck. Puck had gone back to Robin Goodfellow and had become the high school king. He was amazing at football and had all the girls chasing him. But he still made time for Sabrina, his best friend and secret crush.

She got to her locker and opened it to find a piece of folded paper. She cautiously put her books next to her backpack and unfolded the note.

Inside it read....

Meet behind the bleachers if you want Robin to be okay. Lately, he's gotten into some beef with the basketball dudes, and we'd so love to punch him. So come to the bleachers ASAP if you want him to be okay.

Sabrina sucked in a breath and quickly shoved her stuff into her pack. Yes, Puck could be a bit annoying, but he was her best friend. So once she shut her locker door, she raced out onto the football field and towards the bleachers.

She saw a group of kids behind the first row of the metal seats and rushed over there. And it was Puck and a few of the basketball players. Two of them had Puck's arms tied behind him and there were about six other players standing around them. Sabrina tried to keep her cool, hoping she could get the fairy out of the situation somehow.

"I'm here. What do you want?" Sabrina asked, her arms folding across her chest, hoping her voice wasn't shaky.

"We want you to watch this," one of the players who wasn't holding Puck back said.

He walked over to Puck and threw a punch at his face. Then, the other five players threw punches at his face. And when Sabrina heard his nose break, she had to look away. The two boys who were holding him back gave him two punches each before throwing him to the ground and leaving him to Sabrina.

Once they were twenty feet away, Sabrina rushed over to the fairy. His face was covered in blood and he was softly groaning in pain.

Sabrina brought his head into her lap and pushed back his curly hair.

"Should I call my dad? He can cop car us over to the hospital," Sabrina softly asked.

"Yeah, that would be a good idea," Puck replied.

Sabrina smiled at him before pulling out her phone. She called her dad and he picked them in less than two minutes.

Puck managed to walk to the car but almost passed out on the drive to the hospital. Henry turned on his sirens and drove as fast as he could.

The two helped the fairy into the hospital and headed down the special hallway for Everafters.

When they got to the waiting room, a nurse took one look at him and immediately took him into her own arms.

Henry and Sabrina stayed in the waiting room and called the rest of the family. Soon, the entire Grimm family was anxiously waiting.

Two hours later, a nurse came out.

"Sabrina Grimm?" she asked.

Sabrina stood up. "Yes?"

"He's ready to see you."

She nodded and followed the nurse into the fairy boy's room.

The nurse let Sabrina in and then closed the door.

"Hey," the blonde whispered as she neared is bed.

"Hey," he replied, giving her a soft smile.

His face was cleared of blood and he had a white strip over his nose, the cast. There were a few band-aids around the jaw area, and he had some tubes in his arm, but other than the few injuries, he looked fine. His hair was still iconicly curly and he still had his huge grin plastered on his face.

She sat on the bed and stroked his forehead.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Sabrina whispered, taking one of his hands into hers.

"That's not what I'm concerned about. I'm just pissed that you watch that. I was weak when I shouldn't have been," the fairy said, not making eye contact. All he did was look down at their hands and rub his thumb over her hand.

"No, it's okay. We're all allowed to have our weak moments. It's called being a person. We all have our flaws. And I understand. They had your arms pinned behind you. You couldn't do anything. And just because you have a broken nose doesn't mean I don't love you any less."

Puck's eyes went wide and Sabrina laughed.

"Yo-you love me?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah I do. And I'm just hoping you feel the same way."

"Of course I do. You honestly have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say those words."

Sabrina smiled and laid down next to him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and they snuggled up really close. And then with their free hands, they intertwined them.

The two ended up falling asleep in eachother's arms, and when the rest of the family came in, they saw the two sleeping and left them alone.

Puck woke up first and placed a kiss on Sabrina's forehead, which woke her up.

She groaned and slowly opened her eyes. Her stormy blue eyes met his forest green ones and her face broke into a soft smile.

"Good morning," she whispered up at him.

"Hey, beautiful," he whispered back.

Sabrina closed her eyes and her smile grew bigger. She snuggled her head into his chest and he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Thank you for staying with me," he softly said.

"Of course. I couldn't have you be by yourself."

He smiled and squeezed her. Just then, a nurse entered the room.

"Hello Puck, Sabrina. So, we want to keep you here for a few days, just to see if it'll swell or not, because those punches were pretty bad. And if you so wish too, you may stay with him, Miss Grimm."

"Yes, thank you," Sabrina said to the nurse. The nurse gave them a smile and left the room.

"Want me to Uber Eats some McDonald's breakfast over?" she asked as the door closed.

"Oh my gosh yes please," Puck replied.

Sabrina giggled and pulled out her phone. She pulled up the app and started placing the order.

"What would you like?" she asked, looking up at him.


He cupped her face and their lips made contact.

They both closed their eyes and Sabrina smiled against their pressed lips.

"No but really, what do you want?" Sabrina asked when she let go.

"An egg mcmuffin and a milk."

Sabrina smiled and typed out their order into her phone. She payed and then turned off the phone.

"So, what do you wanna do while we wait?" she asked, looking back up at him.

"I don't know, but can I kiss you again?" he replied.

Sabrina slightly nodded and her lips met his once again.

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