summer camp

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Quick disclaimer! Robbinswold is a real camp I've been going to since 2017 and I'm so excited to put its beauty into words
If you're confused on to what anything looks like, just search up 'camp robbinswold _____'
most everything has images, but for the hutchen, just look up camp robbinswold and click on 'see photos' above the directions and their phone number. It's the 23rd photo.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy this very long oneshot haha.

"Alright, you kids ready?" Veronica asked, turning around to face the two teenagers.

The three sat in a rental car in the parking lot of Camp Robbinswold, Washington. Veronica had heard that an all summer boys and girls camp for kids ages thirteen through seventeen was being held at the camp and there were only one hundred and eight spots, so she quickly signed them up, thinking it was the perfect way for the two fifteen-year-olds to spend their summer. And then a few days before, the kids packed up and flew out to Washington. They spent a few nights in a hotel to get used to the time difference and then rented a car, packed up their things, and drove to the camp.

"Is it really for the whole summer?" Sabrina asked, slipping her backpack onto her back. That day, she sported blonde dutch braids, a yellow t-shirt, jean shorts, white high tops, and a yellow fjallraven kanken backpack with many pins on it.

"Yes, stinky. Your mother explained it to us so many times," Puck replied. The boy was wearing a green, short-sleeved t-shirt in the same color as his iconic hoodie. He wore khaki shorts and black vans, his blonde curls perfectly styled.

"Okay, please no fighting. We're all trusting you to not kill each other while you're away," the mother said, exiting the car.

Before they got out of the car, Puck hesitated but turned to face Sabrina. "Grimm?" he asked.

"What's up?"

"I'm scared, and I know I shouldn't be because we're in this together and we're in the same camp group, but I'm nervous. Not seeing the family for three months? I just...I don't know."

"Hey, it's okay. I'm scared, too. But this is going to be a fun and new experience and who knows, if we like it, we can do it again next year! Now, we gotta go sign in and have a great summer, okay?"

The fairy nodded and the two did the little handshake they made up when they were twelve. They got out of the car and grabbed their bags from the trunk, following Veronica down a paved hill and concrete trail to a small house.

"Remember, you two are friends and Puck, your ears are a genetic thing from your parents," Veronica whispered to them while they were in line for their quick medical checkup.

Both kids nodded and went through a quick checkup. Temperatures, tonsil, foot fungus, and a few other things before they were told their group, Forest, would be on the singing stairs.

After a bit of searching, they found the stairs. They were wooden stairs connected to the lodge and there were two counselors and a few other kids. The kids had their backpacks and water bottles and seemed to be conversating quite nicely.

Earlier, the two had dropped off their bags in a pile of other bags for Forest kids, and it seemed that where their bags were, too.

"Alright, kids. This is where I say goodbye. Sabrina, I love you and I know you two will have a wonderful time here," Veronica said, pulling both of them into a hug.

She let go after a few seconds and smiled at both of them. "See you guys in three months."

They waved goodbye and watched her climb up the stairs. They sat down and one of the counselors, the male, tapped Puck on the shoulder. The two kids turned around and found the man smiling. He looked to be twenty-one and he was wearing a shirt from the program and what looked to swim shorts. He had on sandals and a blue baseball cap that covered his messy brown hair.

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