five years later

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A seventeen-year-old Sabrina woke up to sunlight filling her room. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and sat up. She grabbed Puck's now clean green hoodie and slipped it on over her band t-shirt. She got out of bed and stuffed her phone in the pocket of her flannel shorts. She walked over to her bedroom window and watched the sunlight touch the trees of New York.

And as she was watching the beautiful sunrise, she heard some rustling coming from her bed. And then she felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her waist and a face nuzzle into her neck.

"Good morning, beautiful," Puck mumbled into her neck.

"Hey, do you know what today is?" she asked, wrapping her arms around his.

"Uhhhh, Red's birthday?" he asked, resting his chin on her shoulder.


"Pinocchio's birthday?"


"Your birthday?"

"No silly! And besides, my birthday's in February and you already know that," she said with a giggle, turning her head to kiss her boyfriend on the cheek.

"No, today is the five year anniversary of when we defeated the Scarlet Hand."

She said it as a whisper, scared that if she said the wretched name, they would bust down the door and kill her.

"Fi-five years? Already?" he stammered, moving so he can standing in front of her.

"Yeah. It feels like just yesterday I was meeting a certain pranking, snotty, and gassy fairy in the woods, begging for him to help me kill a giant," Sabrina laughed, taking his hands into hers.

"Funny, because about six years ago, I had such a similar experience. Except, I don't remember being snotty."

"You sure? Because I remember it a bit differently."

"Okay, I'll admit. Back then I was a bit egotistical, but I wasn't snotty."

"A bit?"

"Okay, a lot. But I'm different now, and that's all that matters, right?"

Sabrina laughed and stood on her toes, giving the fairy a quick kiss. When she let go and let her heels touch the ground, she nodded in agreement to Puck's question.

"Well, just like every anniversary, Granny's probably making a huge breakfast. And uhm, do you want your hoodie?" Sabrina asked, looking at his bare torso.

"No, it looks good on you. I'll just get a shirt from my room."

Sabrina smiled at him again and gave him another quick kiss before hugging him.

Her feet touched the ground and she let go of his waist, taking his hands into hers. They smiled at each other and Puck randomly said, "I love you, Sabrina Grimm."

The blonde was a bit taken aback but continued to smile at him. It was more of a confused smile, but a smile nonetheless.

"Kinda early to say it. We've only been dating for eight months," she said.

"I know, but I do. And I just needed you to know, okay?"

Sabrina cupped his face and smiled again. "I love you, too."

Puck leaned down and kissed her again, and she smiled.

"Ready to go eat some killer purple bacon to commemorate our victory?" Sabrina asked when she pulled away.

"Of course, my queen."

Sabrina giggled and grabbed his hand. She dragged the fairy downstairs and they sat next to each other, watching Granny make breakfast.

And soon, the entire family joined them and they all ate their celebratory breakfast, thankful that they were still alive and healthy.

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