alternate universe

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just a bit of swearing
wanted to warn y'all in case ya not a swearing person

Sabrina Grimm had been going to school with Puck Goodfellow since kindergarten and he always tormented her. Teasing. Pranks. And just hurting her feelings. Non-stop ever since he met her. She never knew why he did it, but she never asked.

When they got to high school, the teasing turned into more of lowkey flirting, not that Sabrina said anything. The really hard punches in the arm turned to soft ones. The name-calling turned into sutle pet names. The sticking out tongue turned long stares. Again, Sabrina never asked. She kept silent, just taking it all in.

The boy also got a new girlfriend every week. They never seemed to stick around, since he always seemed so distracted. Never seemed to pay attention to them. That's why the relationships never worked out.

About halfway through the year, football season started up again, Puck, obviously, joined. He was number 15, which was Sabrina's favorite number.

One day, as Sabrina was getting her stuff out of her locker when the blond boy walked up to her.

"Hey," he said, leaning against the lockers.

"Hi?" Sabrina asked, closing her locker to turn and face him.

"So, my first game is tomorrow night. Are you coming?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest.

"Sorry blondie, but I have no reason to go. And I have better things to do on a Friday night."

"Like what?"

"Literally anything."

With that, Sabrina walked away, leaving Puck leaning against the lockers. But not two seconds later, he was right next to her.

"Please come, 'Brina. None of my friends are coming. They all have dates or something," he begged as they walked to Sabrina's next class, US History.

"So what? I'm suddenly your friend now? All those years of teasing, name-calling, and wreaking my feelings just down the drain? Yeah, your looks don't work on me, Goodfellow."

Puck sighed. "Sabrina, pleeeeease come. I-I'm sorry for being mean to you. I don't know why I  did it, but I'm sorry. Really, really sorry. If you come to my game, I'll pay you back for being a jackass."

Now it was Sabrina's turn to sigh. "Fine. What time does it start?"

"5:30. Thank you, Sabrina!" he said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before running off.

Sabrina looked back at him, confused, before walking off to her class.

After school, Sabrina walked through the door and just went upstairs. Not stopping to take off her shoes, Not stopping to say hello to her mom. She just walked into her room and closed the door. She sat on her bed and set her hands in her head.

The boy that tormented her had basically asked her out. It was that simple. And that annoying! Why would he do that?! Maybe it's because he lik-

NO! That was definitely not the answer. As she sighed and stood up to start her homework, the doorbell rang.

"I'LL GET IT!!" Daphne, her little sister, yelled from downstairs.

Not five seconds later, the little girl was at Sabrina's door.


Sabrina sighed and got up. She opened the door and saw her twelve-year-old sister holding a large cardboard box in her hands. And on the top was a piece of paper with her name on it in sharpie.

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