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I remember that day so very clearly, the day that I met freedom from that wicked house. The day that was the beginning of it all.

"Haeun get your lazy ass out of that room and and come downstairs to make me breakfast." My stupid father yelled from downstairs. Ever since my mother "died" last year it seemed like things were just getting worse at our shabby little run-down apartment at the far end of the city that I was never really allowed to leave.

My father has always been abusive towards my mother and I, but especially towards my mother. One day last year, he caught her trying to escape with me and was furious with her. Knowing that I was the one thing she cared about, he'd always try to beat me whenever she made him upset. He lunged at me and bashed into me a few times before my mother tore him away from me.

I never saw my mother again after that day. My father says she killed herself and sometimes I believe him but other times, it's like I can feel her on the outside world.

"Coming father." I spoke before walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. "It's about damn time you no good bastard." My father spat towards me. "Sorry for the wait." I said monotonously. 'That's it' I thought 'it has to be today.' While I was making my fathers food I went into the medicine cabinet and took out some extra strong sleeping medicine. The smallest dose had you out for half a day.

I mixed it in with his beer and and served him his things. "That's a good girl..." he said patting my head in a sick manner. "you are dismissed." He said shoving me away from him.

I bowed and walked upstairs and went to my room. I began packing what little things I had which consisted of a couple of good books and one single change of clothes, my pajamas. I peeked downstairs to see if the sleeping beer plan worked and indeed, the man was out and would stay that way for about 12 hours.

I walked into my fathers room, a place that was taboo to be in in the first place, and had taken some commodities like soap and shampoo along with some amount of money. I learned financing a while ago through a book that I found in the house so I knew how to haggle with people if I needed to.

I packed everything away and did something I never thought I'd do, I walked out of the house. There's still 11 hours until that man wakes up, so I decided to run for a good 20 minutes until I couldn't see the old house anymore. As of right now, he is no longer my father.

Walking through the streets of the town was such eye candy. People walking around, mingling with one another and children running around, laughing. On every corner you could see merchants trying to pawn off everything they could to ongoing peoples trying to make a fortune.

Only 10 hours left to get far far away from this village, where do I go though? I looked around to see if I could find a horseman or someone who could take me far away for the money I had. Then, I spotted a young boy around my age who was climbing into his carriage and was getting ready to take off when I stopped him.

"Hey!" I yelled. "Pardon me sir but I'm looking for a carriage ride that'll take me far far away from here. I have some money please if you'll just take me I'll go anywhere. Wherever you're going take me just please.." I begged, desperate for an escape. "Sure, why not." The boy said and I climbed into the back of his carriage. "I'm Haeun by the way." I said. "You can call me Dongpyo if you'd like." The boy said back. I handed him the money, "to the royal kingdom we go." He said.

And the adventure begins 😄

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