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Haeun's P.O.V
~A Week Later~

I haven't been able to see much of Jisung as of recent, seeing he's busy preparing troops for battle and preparing to leave himself. I haven't even seen my brothers much at all either so I try to keep myself busy with learning to be Queen from Hyera and helping her around the palace since trying couldn't do it.

"How could he just leave this awfully pregnant lady behind!" I joked once we reached the kitchen. "And look at her beautiful baby bump! It's growing in nicely your majesty~!" one of the maids said awe-ing at her stomach.

"The gift of life is a most beautiful one." another maid said. "I remember when i gave birth to my son. It was one of my proudest moments, my husbands too." she said.

"King Taeyong strongly wishes for a daughter so that he can flaunt her off to the other kingdoms." Hyera said and the room lit up with laughter. "Does this mean you wish for a son your majesty?" I asked and Hyera laughed.

"Why yes crown princess, a strong and able prince to help his father around the kingdom and catch the eye of every available maiden in the country let alone our kingdom! Rumors of his handsome face would bring tourists here!" she said imagining having a handsome boy.

"As much as you're stomach is swelling your majesty, you might have two handsome son's!" the first maid called out and the maids started bustling at the thought of the Queen having twins.

Hyera was given her hourly pregnancy snack and we left the kitchen promptly. "I'm probably getting fat from how much Taeyong has told them to feed me and it's not twins." Hyera jokes and I laughed.

"Haeun?" I heard his voice call out to me from up ahead. I stopped. "Jisung?" I called back. "A week feels like forever doesn't it?" he said walking towards me and away from Taeyong (whom he was talking to). I opened my arms wide for a warm embrace which feels so nice after not seeing him or hearing from him in a week.

"So, are you gonna tell me?" I asked and Jisung knew exactly what I was talking about. "We leave in two days, at dawn." he said with his head down. "Look at me." I said gently. His eyes shifted to mine softly as if he was about to cry.

"It's gonna be okay. Nothing will happen, okay?" I asked and he nodded. "Okay. Now, I'll still be here when you get back, no matter how long this war takes and then i'll never leave your side again." I said smiling.

Jisung smiles back and presses his forehead against mine. "I love you so much." he said. "I love you too."

"Taeyong said he might not be here for the birth

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"Taeyong said he might not be here for the birth." Hyera bursts out as soon as we reach her room. "Hyera.." I tried to comfort her. "Call the other girls in here, we need a girls night again." Hyera said and I did just that.

when the others showed up I was so happy. I haven't really seen them since my coronation 2-3 months ago. "It's so good to see you all again! forget everything we should all go back to sharing a room again!" Xiaoyou suggested. "Jeno would throw the biggest fit if I left his side." Soogi sighed with a smile. "Let's do it while they're all away at war!" Taehee said and we all started storming up a plan to start living together again.

"Should we all just build a house on the castle grounds and live in there?" Min suggested and everyone started nodding and smiling. "Yeah just like college girls!" Soji says. "I don't know Soji can Jaemin function without you?" I teased. "Would Jaehyun even let you?" Hyera joked and all of us started laughing.

"Ugh don't even mention my brother right now." Soji said shaking her head.

Soon enough we started constructing a print of what the house would look like and what we would have in it. Sadly Hyera said that she wanted to stay in the palace so we would have to live without her. "Can we have a media room for video games?" Eunbi asked. "You play video games now?" Xiaoyou asked. "Yeah, Haechan put me onto Overwatch and now i'm hooked." Eunbi said. "Chenle got me hooked on pubg" Xiaoyou said and they laughed.

Once we finished we gave it to the palace construction crew and they were more than happy to oblige.

We ended up having a sleepover in Hyera's room that night. We talked about the good things, the bad, mainly about the war since all of our soulmates were being thrown into it in two days time.

"Do you think everything will be okay?" Min asked. "It has to be. I don't know what i'd do without Jeno." Soogi said and everyone agreed.

"Eunbi, you can see the future. Is everything gonna be okay?" I asked and Eunbi stayed quiet. "Bi?" "If I tell you what happens, then it won't happen." she tells us. "What's that supposed to mean? Do we win or lose?" Soji asks. "I-I can't-" "My brother is in this war too you know, you can at least tell me if he's safe?" Soji presses.

"That's enough Soji, you're making her uncomfortable." Hyera speaks up. "Let's jut get some rest and pray that everything turns out fine." Hyera said and we all started bedding down but I couldn't help but stay up and think...we're gonna be okay, right?

we're gonna be okay, right?

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sorry uwu


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