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Haeun's P.O.V

When Jisung and I reached back to the castle, it was sundown. "Go freshen up, I'll make us something to eat." Jisung offered and I nodded.

Now being pretty familiar with the castle halls, I walked to my room and went to take a shower. I was surprised to see that none of the other girls were in there, not even Hyera was there. I was curious as to where they were but I think I had a pretty good idea as to where they'd be. Cough cough with their boyfriends cough cough.

After my shower I dressed myself. I left my hair a bit damp because I got too lazy to finish drying it. I felt drained.

I walked to the kitchen to see Jisung plating the food he made. "Smells great." I said hugging his back. "Go wash your hands before you eat." He said and I whined. "Mmmm but I don't wanna~" "Hands~" He whined back and I sighed, walking to the nearest bathroom to wash my hands.

When I had returned to the finding room Jisung waited and pulled out a chair for me to sit in. "How generous kind sir." I curtsied and sat down next to him.

I could tell that he was trying hard to make up for what happened at the fair grounds today and I appreciate his effort. He told jokes and kept lighthearted conversation with me the entire time, I felt so very at ease.

After we had eaten, we walked back upstairs. "Hey, Haeun." Jisung said and I hummed. "Do you wanna...stay the night in my room again? You totally don't have to it's just a suggestion but I'd really like it if you-" "Sure Jisung." I said opening the door and walking in.

The rest is the day was spent with pillow fights, heart-to-heart talks, and secret sharing. We ended off the night cuddling together in his bed, watching 아기 공룡 둘리 and Mölang.

That's 아기 공룡 둘리 (Dooly the little Dinosaur)

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That's 아기 공룡 둘리 (Dooly the little Dinosaur)

That's 아기 공룡 둘리 (Dooly the little Dinosaur)

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And that (very tiny >:( )is Mölang

"How are you feeling now?" Jisung asked me, rubbing my back up and down in a calming manner. "I'm good when I'm with you." I said snuggling further into his chest. "That's good. I just want you to always be happy. I never want to see a frown on your face." Jisung said patting my head gently.

"You don't have to worry about me. As long as I have you absolutely nothing can upset me." I said looking up at him. He looked down at me and his eyes shimmered.

Something in me made me move, maybe my desires, but I moved up and kissed him. I kissed Prince Park Jisung, my soulmate...and he kissed me back. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and my heart was racing against time itself.

What I didn't expect was for Jisung to deepen the kiss. He licked my bottom lip and I somehow knew to open my mouth wide enough for him to slip his tongue in my mouth.

My breaths were now labored and desperate, the closeness of us not bothering me at all as I came to a straddle on Jisung's lap. Jisung began leaving hickeys all down my neck and I was running my hands through his hair.

I only really snapped back to reality when Jisung began unbuttoning the top buttons to my night gown to expose my collarbone before leaving the same marks there.

I pulled away first, looking him in his eyes, his lips were swollen and his hair was messy, but I'm sure I'm in the same state as him right now. "Maybe we should go to sleep now." I laughed and Jisung smiled and nodded. "We should do this more often." Jisung offered. "I might take you up on that offer Park Jisung." I said laying down.

Jisung assumes his position next to me on the bed. Because he was so much bigger than....everyone, he got to be the big spoon :( .

"Goodnight Jisung." I yawned. "Goodnight my Princess." He whispered holding my hand as we both drifted to sleep.

This one is shorter than usual but heyyy what can you dooooo

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This one is shorter than usual but heyyy what can you dooooo

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