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Haeun's P.O.V
~one week later~

Now that Jisung and I have gotten closer, it's time for that date he promised me. I have no idea what we're doing or where we're going though. All he said was to "Expect the unexpected." Whatever that meant.

I was getting ready with the girls and they were trying to decide what I should wear. "I think she should go with flirty yet distant." Xiaoyou insisted. "Perhaps  a more showy look is the way to go!" Soogi commented. "No, you guys have got it all wrong! She should wear jeans and a tee-shirt!" Hyera said holding up an example.

I sighed as they continued feuding, going into my closet and picking out the dress I first came to the palace in, my regular "commoner" clothes as Hyera likes to call them.

"I'm wearing this." I said, ending their feud. Of course they had their arguments but I didn't listen to them.

A knock on the door gained our attentions. "Shhhh! He's here quick go now!" The girls whispered collectively before shoving me out of the room and into Jisung.

"Oh, hi!" Jisung smiled and I blushed. "H-hi!" I smiled back. "Are you ready to go? You look really cute by the way. Aha, why did I say that.." Jisung said, clearly as nervous as I am.

I chuckled. "Yeah, I'm ready. And you look cute too." I said holding his hand. Jisung cleared his throat. "Well then let's make haste." He said curtly before walking me to the car with him.

"You've kidnapped me I just know it

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"You've kidnapped me I just know it. Why am I blindfolded, Park Jisung?" I asked, hearing the distant sound of music playing getting louder. "Because..." Jisung said untying the blind fold. "Ta-da!" He said.

I blinked my eyes a few times to focus my vision before they focused in on the fair grounds before us. "This isn't the royal kingdom." I joked. "No it isn't, this is our first date." Jisung said holding my hand once more. "Come on, let's go have some fun!"

"Aw boo! I totally hit that!" Jisung complained as he lost in a ball toss game. "Sorry, I just happen to never miss a target." I said smirking in his direction as I received a big stuffed animal. "Here, I won this for you." I said and Jisung blushed. "Pft, yeah I'll take it or whatever." He said embarrassed.

"Here! Try this!" I said holding some food and smiling at him and he blushed. "Come on, say ah~" "A-ah~" he said as he tried the food I had gotten. "Mm? How is it? Good?" I asked anxious to get his reaction from the food style that I grew up on.

"Mmmm this is really good!" He said eating more of it and I smiled. "You can have this then! I'll go buy another one!" I said before rushing off to the food vendor and getting more food.

I was walking back to Jisung when I bumped into a man and spilled my food all over the ground. "My food!" I screamed in horror. "Haeun." The man said.

Oh god I know that voice. That fucking voice that gave me nightmares, the one that used to strike fear into my heart. The one I tried so desperately to get away from.

"F-father.." "You little bitch. So you've been in town this WHOLE TIME!? WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING!?" He yelled grabbing my hair and I yelled out.

"L-let me g-go." I stammered. "No. You little bitch you spiked my drink and ran off. Believe me, you won't get a second chance!" He said raising his hand to strike me but the strike never came.

I cautiously opened my eyes and gasped in shock at the scene before me. Jisung, gripping my fathers wrist with a deadly glare in his eyes.

"Jisung, it's okay-" "He was going to hurt you Haeun, it made me angry." He said tightening his grip on my fathers wrist. "Jisung no, I'm okay see? Look at me." I said turning his head and running a thumb across his cheek.

He shrugged off my father in the other direction and cupped my cheeks and placed his forehead on mine. "Who was that guy?" Jisung asked. "My father." I answered sadly.

"I see. Hahahaha." My father chuckled, sending chills down my spine. "That's how you've been surviving. You've been GOING AROUND LIKE SOME KIND OF SLUT!" He shouted at me and I began to quiver.


Before he could complete his scentence Jisung gave him a good slug in his jaw. "Jisung, stop!" I shouted and grabbed his wrist and did a pressure point on him to make him fall to his knees.

I looked at my father. "I don't have to prove myself to you, and I don't want anything to do with your family anymore. I have a new family now." I said boldly. "And another thing, if I ever see you again, I'll personally see to it that you have see your early grave." And with that I grabbed Jisung and flung back to the car.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know-" "It's okay, this was the best day ever. Thank you, Jisung."

Narrator's P

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Narrator's P.O.V

Back in the town square, where Haeun left her father speechless and angry, there was a bystander, an evil bystander. "You poor old man." The bystander taunted Haeun's father.

"What the hell do you know?" He said getting up. "I know how to break her. I wish to ruin your daughter, I know you hate her just as much as I do, Yoo Sanyeo."

Haeun's father, Sanyeo, was intrigued. "Who are you anyway?" "My name is Kang Mirae." She smirked.

I wanna RIP her dads head off

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I wanna RIP her dads head off.
Sorry this is late I was doing HOMEWORK. On the FREAKING FIRST DAY BACK I'M-

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