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Haeun's P.O.V

Today is the day: the troops head off into war. They all left at dawn before anyone could really notice that anything happened. Of course they left some men and women behind to guard the castle in their absence, and indeed their absence was felt greatly.

The girls and I tried to busy ourselves to distract ourselves from the missing presence by cooking, cleaning, painting, playing games, helping with the construction of the new house, we did everything.

"Guys, I never thought this would be so hard." Min said and we all nodded. "And this is the first day?" Xiaoyou asked with a deep sigh. "We're not even sure how long they'll be gone for..it could be months before I see my Jaemin again!" Soji frowned. "Enough of this! We can't spend every moment worrying about them! They're our boyfriends, they'll be fine! Why are we so worried?" I asked and the girls went quiet.

After about 5 minutes of silence, Soogi spoke up, "I have faith in them." and we all perked up and neared with the feelings we were feeling.

One Month Later

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One Month Later

The girls and I opted to run the Kingdom in Taeyong's stead since Hyera was in no condition to rule a Kingdom. We all had different parts and roles we played into the upholding of the kingdom since the start of the war one month ago.

Hyera, in the 5th month of her pregnancy couldn't help but be on strict bed rest, especially considering how much stress she's been putting on herself. She did not wish to have the baby without the presence of the king, the thought made her uncomfortable. The girls and I tried to comfort her as best we could, but in the end we alone couldn't do much.

My position in the Kingdom was being in charge of the people and their well-being. We all though this was best seeing as i'm to be Queen some day. Soogi decided to help out the knights with keeping parole of the entirety of Neo Kingdom and not just the capital, Soji went around from town to town offering aid to those who have been injured during attacks from SKZ Kingdom, Min went around the capital teaching adults self defense, Xiaoyou was teaching children how to read and write, Eunbi served as my personal accomplice and was with me every minute of the day overseeing my royal activities, and Taehee was helping the officers at the border, giving them food and water while they watched for any more invasions.

Though my duties didn't sound like a lot compared to the other girls, I still struggled with it. The people's demands and worried all rested in my shoulders. It was difficult making decisions since some party of people would always be upset with her decisions.

Since she began ruling a month ago, it was decided that all children should be given the opportunity to learn education, no matter their status. The Nobles, as you can imagine were outraged saying that it should only be left to the rich.

"If everyone had equal opportunity, then that means anyone could do our jobs and that's not right." one of the nobles said. "Why? Are you afraid someone else might take your job from you? Maybe you should do it better then." I said and from behind me I heard Eunbi snicker uncontrollably.

"Well then there shouldn't even be a monarchy! Maybe someone will come to take your job someday too, your majesty." the noble said with a threatening look. "Sir, i'm gonna have to ask you to get the fuck out of this castle before I personally show you the way to the door." Eunbi said threateningly. "How rude, I am the noble from Neo Zone district!" "You're not shit. How DARE you speak to your future queen with such little respect! You're lucky I don't strip you from your position and have you thrown in a cell." She shouted.

"That's enough Eunbi. All of you are dismissed, my decision is final." I said standing from my seat in authority. "And this is why you dint make a commoner whore a queen." the man said, leaving the palace. "Haeun you're too nice to that man!" "We have bigger problems than an old mans thoughts and ideas about how I should run this kingdom." I said humbly and Eunbi nodded. "But remove him from his position right now because i'm gonna kick his ass." and she nodded again while rushing off to deal out the news happily.

" and she nodded again while rushing off to deal out the news happily

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"Where is she?" I asked. "The infirmary." Soji answered. "Min is with her. She's in bad shape." Eunbi and I raced down to the infirmary with haste and speed and flung open the doors. There sat the girl in question, eyes wide, tears streaming down her face in shock. "Soogi." I breathed. "Is it true?" I asked seriously. "It is..."

"I'm pregnant with Jeno's baby."

Kinda short i'm sorry

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Kinda short i'm sorry

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