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Haeun's P.O.V

"You're pregnant and never thought to say something!?" Soji screamed. "I didn't think it was true at first." Soogi explained. "How far along is she nurse?" I asked the midwife "About a month." she replied. "Right before the boys left for the war huh? I'm seriously happy for you but this means you can't be on the front lines fighting." I told Soogi and she wore a defeated look. "I know. But what do I do now?" she asked.

"For starters, help me get out if this tight dress."

One Month Later

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One Month Later

"SOOGI STOP EATING OFF OF MY PLATE." Xiaoyou screamed. "WELL I'M SORRY YOUR GRACE BUT I'M EATING FOR TWO." Soogi replied back. "Come on that's not even an excuse! Hyera is six months into her pregnancy and she eats less than you! Your poor baby is gonna be chubby!" Xiaoyou said.

"Stop f***ing screaming you're upsetting me." Hyera said from across the dinner table. "What did I say about cussing in front of the babies?" I said to Hyera and she let out a sigh.

"Man pregnancy is supposed to be fun, all those people in health class lied." Soogi chuckled.

"Oh well ladies, let's get a move on we're to have a public court today in a few hours. The people wanted to give their gifts to the Queen for her baby." "The people want to hold a big baby shower?" Hyera said annoyed and hormonal. "They want to feel involved Hyera! It'll give them a sense a trust in the kingdom.

"Now Min, my dear lady in waiting let us be off. My second in command Eunbi, please confirm all of the preparations have been met and then give the signal to star the decoration process. Soogi, go to the kitchen and ask for something more to eat. Xiaoyou, I love youuu. Soji, stay back from the front lines today, I want your men on extra sharp patrol though." I said.

"You sound like Queen already." Hyera said with a proud smile. "Come now miss Hyera, I'll help you into your dress." Soji said helping Hyera out of her chair and up the stairs.

" Soji said helping Hyera out of her chair and up the stairs

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(okay i'm into Lolita...sue me.)

"This is a cute little dress." Min said when I finished helping her into her outfit. "It feels so good to be in regular clothing again." I said looking at myself in the mirror.

"You look good in anything you wear eun-ie, Jisung would be drooling if he saw you now

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"You look good in anything you wear eun-ie, Jisung would be drooling if he saw you now." "And Eunsang would be crying if he saw how cute you look right now!" we laughed. "I miss him too Min." I said with a sympathetic look. "I know," she smiled "because I miss him too."

The crowd of the townspeople went wild when we stepped out of our cars

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The crowd of the townspeople went wild when we stepped out of our cars. Once this new law I wrote is passed, humans will get to know the life that vampires get to live. Everyone will have nice clothing and electronics, same education, better jobs, things will start turning around.

"Thank you citizens of Neo Kingdom!" Hyera called out with a smile once we got to our respective thrones to address the townspeople. "First I would like to tell you all how much we appreciate your being here and bringing gifts for the baby. Please offer your gifts where the guards ask you to place them and let us begin! Make merry!" she calls out and the town is a flourish with life and color.

"Girls why dint you go and enjoy this celebration? I'll stay here and accept the gifts." Hyera recommended and we didn't spare a second before we all ventured off into the crowd.

Min and I stayed close to one another while the other girls went around shopping since they stick out like a sore thumb in the crowd with their fancy palace outfits.

Min and I stopped at many food booths and jewelry booths and even a hairpin booth where I purchased matching pins with her. After that we went to get more food at a local tavern and shared an extra large bread bowl.

"Today just can't be anymore perfect can it?" Min asked. "I know what you mean! It's been hard without the boys here and today was like a much needed break from all the hard work we've been doing!" I said excitedly and Min couldn't agree more.

After finishing our food and talking for hours it began to get dark outside and I had the idea to go out and buy fireworks to set off with everyone else later at the castle.

"Ooh this one is big!" Min said picking up the biggest firework the shop had to offer. "That looks like a death trap-" "SIR HOW MUCH FOR THIS ONE!" Min said running into the store happily. "Eunsang, if only you could see her now." I smiled walking after her until I heard a noise and froze in my place.

It was faint even for my heightened hearing but I still picked it up. What was that, it sounded like a thud. I turned around again and took a step and before I knew it the steps sped up in my direction. Escape my instincts told me but i couldn't just leave Min in the store alone with whatever or whomever that was. "MIN!" I shouted but my mouth was covered and my eyes were shielded.

"Dulce puella, iam dormies. somnum." a voice chanted. A spell? What does it mean I thought as my conscious began to slip and my body was moved until...



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