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"I promise to come back to the house okay?" I said crying in Dongpyo's arms. "Tell the boys that I'll be back do not tell them why I'm gone okay? Make a story up if you have to but don't let them worry I swear I'll come back. You guys are the greatest thing that happened to me." I said. "It's not gonna be the same without you! I don't want you to leave..." Dongpyo cried and it broke my heart. I cared so much about him and the boys, I didn't want them to disappear from my life forever.

"Alright that's enough of that. Come on miss Yoo." The Jaemin dude said to me as he grabbed my arm. "NO! God please don't take me away from them!" I screamed and hollered but my efforts were futile. "Sorry to do this but you're being loud." Jaemin said before everything went black.

Narrator's P.O.V

"DID YOU JUST KNOCK HER OUT!?" Chenle shouted at Jaemin as they sped back to where they left Jisung. "What? She is still alive and well she's just asleep." Jaemin said as the girl hung limply around his shoulders.

They had reached to location of where they left Jisung and to their dismay, he was there, but with 4 dead bodies now freshly drained of blood.

The boys sighed as they looked at their friend who was on his back, face covered with other men's blood, looking out to the sky. "Hey Jisung, we went and got the girl for you." Chenle said and the boy turned to them. "Put her back. I don't want her." He said closing his eyes to take a rest. 

"You know you need this girl to live. You need to make contact with her." Chenle said to his friend as he took the girl and placed her next to him. Suddenly a bright red light emerged from the two and began to heal the fated couple. Jisung's hunger was diminishing but the girls eyes stayed shut due to her vampire induced sleep.

The light faded and all that was left was a healthy couple of people. "I'm not hungry anymore. I feel stronger than I used to. What happened?" Jisung asked. "It's because of her." Jaemin answered.

Jisung sat and pondered for a while before he came up with a decision. "Bring her back to the palace with us. She will have to stay though I don't love her. She is not like a charger for me, nothing more. She will act as your servant Chenle." He said looking down at her sleeping figure.

Chenle picked up the girl. "Don't tell me you're still in love with that Mirae girl." Chenle said disgusted. "I am, she's perfect in every way. This girl is nothing but a commoner and I don't want that." Jisung said as he super sped off to the palace. "That kid." Jaemin sighed.

Haeun's P.O.V
~time skip~

I opened my eyes and was met with an unfamiliar place. The room was decorated in gold and white. Nice clean furniture were littered around the room. Where the hell am I?

Memories from earlier today flooded back into my mind and I felt a pang of sadness hit me like a wave crashing down onto shore. I was ripped from my thoughts when I beautiful woman who looked in her early to mid 20's walked into the room with that Chenle guy from earlier.

"So it's true." The woman said. "Jisung really went and found his soulmate, and threw her away." She said sadly. "I'm so sorry dear." She apologized. "Who are you? Where am I? I just wanna go home.." I sniffled and began to cry.

The woman hugged me and dismissed Chenle from the room. "My name is Hyera. What is yours?" She asked. "Haeun." I sniffled. "What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." She complimented and I thanked her.

"You've been through quite a lot today so I will answer any questions you have and grant you one wish." "You can grant wishes?" I asked. "Yes of course. Before I was a vampire I was a sorceress. I can still do magic now too." "You're a vampire?" I asked. "Yes. I am, no thanks to my husband. He turned me so that we could be together for eternity." She smiled.

"Wait, where are we?" "We are inside the palace Haeun. I am Hyera, Queen of Neo Kingdom. Your soulmate happens to be prince Jisung, my brother in law."

After talking to Queen Hyera for a while, she asked me if I like the room I was in. I nodded. "I'm glad. This was my room, now it's yours. From sister to sister." "Sister?" I asked. "You are going to marry Jisung, aren't you?" Hyera asked. "Your majesty-" "Hyera is fine." She smiled.

"Hyera...I don't know Jisung at all, he doesn't seem to want me, and I like someone already." I answered. "But do you live this someone else?" Hyera asked. "No?" I questioned myself. "If you're unsure that that's a sure sign that you don't love that other man. Just give Jisung a chance...please?" She begged. "Alright. But I do have one thing." I said. "Yes? What is it?" I would like to visit home at least once a week. I miss it there already." I said

"But of course. We can send you tomorrow to fetch your things and every week after that if it'll make you happy." Hyera said and I nodded. "Well I'm off then, you were chosen to serve under Chenle but don't worry, he's a nice boy. If you ever need anything just call out to me and I'll hear you and come running okay?" "Okay. Thank you, Hyera." I said and she left for the night. I went to the closet and took out some pajamas to use and put them on and went to bed.

I awoke the next morning refreshed and ready to start the day but there was an unusual weight on the bed. I shifted around to look behind me and shrieked.

There in bed next to me was the prince Jisung!

Oh this is fun

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