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Haeun's P.O.V
3 days later

When I awoke I was in a place I didn't recognize. I recalled my last memory being someone casting a spell in Latin over me and being dragged away.

"Look," an unfamiliar voice spoke "the human is awake." Human? So they don't know that I'm a vampire...yet. "Where am I?" I called out loud, not being able to see anything. "Hell." The voice responded back. "Go and call for the king! He's gonna want to greet his..guest." The voice said sinisterly. A loud door slam was hear before I was left in complete silence.

Using the silence I used my sensitive hearing to hear if I was truly alone so that I could try to connect to someone to save me. This is my one shot...they think I'm still human, this is my shot to be rescued.

Hello? Can someone hear me? I thought trying to think about reaching someone at the castle. Haeun!? Oh God child where are you? Hyera responded back. I'm not sure..what I do know is that I'm in some kingdom..someone just sent for the king to "greet" me, I said. Oh god you're not in SKZ Kingdom are you? You are! My locate spell is never wrong! Hyera freaks out. Please just send help Hyera I don't think I'm gonna stay safe for very long-

"Your majesty! The Prince Jisung's soulmate is in there." The familiar voice speaks up again. Hyera I must go, please send help! They know I'm Jisung's soulmate though for now..they think I'm human. Goodbye. I say cutting off my link.

The door creeks open and in walks a male who looks around my age. This is the king? "Oh my, isn't she beautiful?" He smirks. "I guess I'll have to change that!" He speaks with a twisted, psychotic grin etched across his face.

"Mirae told me a lot about you...Yoo Haeun! Ah, you don't know my name do you?" He asked but I remain silent. "Well I'll tell you..." He says making a swift kick to my stomach making me hunch over and vomit. "The name's Jisung..." he says picking my head up by my hair. "But people here call me Han..I'm the king of SKZ Kingdom." He smiles.

Jisung's P

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Jisung's P.O.V
1 week later

"Prince Jisung!" two knights from the boarder guard came screaming to the base of the troops stationed to fight. "What is it? You two should be helping to defend the boarders! This has better be very important or I'll-" "The Princess has been kidnapped by SKZ Kingdom fighters! Queen Hyera sent us to send the massage to you a week ago but we...lost our way and-"

"YOU WHAT!?" Jisung screamed as his blood boiled. His lover was stuck in enemy territory and was so for a week without him because these...THESE IDIOTS GOT LOST? "I SHOULD KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND YOU WORTHLESS PIECES OF SH-" "That's enough Jisung." Taeyong intervened. "King Taeyong!" They said deeply bowing. "Peace be with you soldiers. Head back to the boarders and hurry, before Jisung here rips your heads from your shoulders." Taeyong says and the knights scramble away.

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