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Haeun's P.O.V
~1 week later~

"Ughhhh I thought we got enough kissing with Jisung and Mirae-" Soogi complained. "Shut your filthy mouth." I said at the mention of that demons name. "You walked into his room, it's not my fault that you saw." I shrugged. Jisung snickered at my remark and held me close to him, clinging onto my back.

"Whatever. So Haeun, are you ready for your weekly visit home?" Soji asked. "Yeah, I'm teaching the younger ones how to cook this week." I smiled at the thought. "What's about that Dongpyo fellow? Did you tell him that you're with Jisung now?" Hyera questioned and the table went silent.

"Well this just got awkward." Jeno said picking up Soogi and leaving. Everyone else picked up and left the table as I continued the conversation with Hyera and Taeyong.

"I'm going to do so today. I would have done it last week but I'm so afraid of hurting him." I said. "Hyera that was a really inappropriate thing to discuss at the table." Taeyong said disappointedly. "It needs to be taken care of." Hyera said. "If you don't do it, I will." Hyera threatened. "Fuck you Hyera." I said getting up.

Jisung ran after me and tried to clam me down. "I'm sorry princess, she didn't meant it." He said rubbing my back. "Just go to your weekly visit. I'll pick you up when you're done. Just text me alright?" He said. "Alright."

"I'm home!" I said smiling at the boys as they all ran to me

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"I'm home!" I said smiling at the boys as they all ran to me. "Our Haeun is home again!" Dongpyo said hugging me. "Group hug" Dohyon shouted and everyone enclosed around me.

"So, I have some pretty exciting news. If you guys want to, we can either move OR get the house remodeled! What do you think?" I asked and the boys cheered. I for sure never want to leave this house, but mom always said she wanted some new walls!" Dongpyo agreed.

"Great! Also, Dongpyo. Let's talk in private?" I asked and he hummed.

We walked away from the crowd and I took a deep breath. "Dongpyo...I-" "I think I know what you're going to say. Don't worry, if your heart isn't with me, than it just isn't. We can't help how we feel." Dongpyo smiled. "Dongpyo..." I smiled and hugged him.

"Also, I found my soulmate too." Dongpyo laughed. "What!? Where is she?" I asked, excited. "She's out of town. In the next town over actually. I found her when I was doing some work over there and we kinda just...clicked. And then the string showed up." Dongpyo smiled at the memory.

"Well I'm happy for you." I said. "And I'm happy for YOU! Your majesty." Dongpyo laughed as he fake bowed. "Why thank you good sir." I fake curtsied. "You have to tell the other boys you're the future queen though." "Yeah." I laughed.

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