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Haeun's P.O.V

I awoke in the morning in the arms of Jisung. He hadn't yet woken up so I took the opportunity to "study his features". Yes I was staring at him. He just looked so peaceful when he was sleeping.

I decided not to move until he woke up, so that I wouldn't wake him and watched as he took soft breaths, his lips slightly parted. I glazed over his lips for a little too long and found them increasingly enticing.

What is this feeling? I felt myself being drawn into the motion of moving towards him as I inched my face closer and closer. Soon his soft breathing was hitting my skin and and I had shut my eyes. I cannot believe I'm doing this but I'm too tempted.

Our lips grazed one another when "Haeun?" Jisung said groggily, snapping me out of what seemed like a spell. I shot up and fell out of his bed. "Haeun!? Are you okay!?" Jisung said worried. "Y-yeah I'm completely and utterly fine! Hahaha..." I said getting back into the bed.

"We're you trying to kiss me just now?" Jisung asked and I panicked. "No! I mean yes! Er- what I meant was...it...dependssssss?" I stammered and Jisung smiled at my shy nature.

"And after you bagged at me for being shy last night." He smirked. "Don't say that out loud! Someone might get the wrong idea!" I frowned. "It's just us in here, who's gonna find out." He said grabbing my wrists and pinning me to the bed.

My heart jumped. It wasn't the same feeling as before when he did this. This time I could feel a playful nature surrounding him. "Tell me something Yoo Haeun, have you ever kissed a prince before?" Jisung said leaning closer to me. "I-I- well- you- we-" I stammered.

Before Jisung could kiss me though, his door was flung open. "Hey Jisung time for breakfa- OH GOD MY PURE EYES!" Jeno said screaming.

"Don't you lie Lee Jeno. I'm sure the whole kingdom heard you and Soogi last night." I replied back and Jisung laughed. "I have no shame, what you say is true." Jeno said with a wink before leaving.

"Come on baby, let's go get our breakfast." Jisung said getting off of me. "Don't call me a baby." I said sulking and stomping out of his room.

When we had arrived in the dining hall, eyes snapped in our direction

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When we had arrived in the dining hall, eyes snapped in our direction. "AH! Haeun and Jisung walking down t o g e t h e r!? It's like a dream come true!" Hyera fan-girled.

"Oh can it." I said blushing. I sat down in my usual seat and Jisung sat in his, across from me. I couldn't help but want to be closer to him.

"Haeun?" Hyera called out to me. "Yes?" "Maybe you should move next to Jisung since you guys are...well you're not soulmates yet but you're like half." Hyera said and I nodded walking over to Jisung.

"Glad you could join me miss." Jisung said as everyone went on to talk about other things with each other. I was actually fully able to hold a decent conversation with him considering that I was a stuttering mess earlier.

I managed to learn little things about him and I was happy with the fact that I did. He was so sweet, completely contrasting the way he was to me like a week ago.

"Listen, Haeun. I know you said you forgave me and everything but I feel like I can't apologize enough for being such an antagonist to you." Jisung said grabbing my hand and I held his back. "And I feel like I can't tell you enough how okay it is. Honestly, I've learned to forgive you for being so stupid. People make mistakes. Though you may not be human, you apply to that rule too." I said leaning on him.

"Speaking of which, I kinda really want your blood. I wasn't lying when I said it was addicting." He said. "What if you try to kill me again?" I said. "At least you'll be a vampire?" Jisung smiled and I frowned.

"Okay, the only way I can turn you is from biting your neck sweets. I won't do that until you're ready to complete the bond. But I'm really craving you right now." He whispered in my ear and I got chills down my spine. "Again with the potentially misunderstood comments." I said blushing. "Who said I was kidding?" He said and I could h e a r him smirking.

"You ain't getting none Park Jisung. I'm not dying today." "What if I asked Hyera to hit me with lightning again if I almost kill you?" "Deal."

"Hey Hyera!" I called out, gaining her attention. "If he tries to kill me, smack him with lightning again." I said and Hyera looked at me questioningly. I gave Jisung my finger and he smacked it away, grabbing my wrist and starting to drain me.

The bite was the worst part of it all, but everyone staring as he drank my blood was a bit off-putting. "Okay Jisung that's quite enough." Hyera said and Jisung's grip on my arm tightened.

Hyera sighed, "We've really gotta teach him how to feed." With a flick of her wrist Jisung went flying across the room and landed on his back. "Jisung!" I said and stood up, only to become dizzy and disoriented. "I told him to stop." Hyera sighed again. And I blacked out.

I woke up in my room with the girls surrounding me

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I woke up in my room with the girls surrounding me. "I'm not dead guys." I laughed and they laughed too. "Welcome back from the world of the unconscious, did you enjoy your trip?" Soogi asked. "Hardly." I said rolling my eyes. "Where's-" "Jisung is in timeout." Xiaoyou said.

"Timeout?" I giggled. "Yeah, King Taeyong and Hyera are trying to teach him how to feed." Eunbi explained. "Technically he's dead right now but he's gonna come back to life I'm like 12 hours don't worry." "YOU SAID WHAT!?"

Taeyong totally snapped his neck

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Taeyong totally snapped his neck.

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