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Haeun's P.O.V

When I came too, the world around me was silent. I groaned and sat up straight. "Ugh my head. What...happened?" I asked myself. "Jisung?" I whispered but he wasn't here. Where is here?

The room is filled with nice furniture and a tv and video games but no people. I moved the sheets from my body and stood on my feet.


Since when was carpet this soft? I walked to what looked like the bathroom and went to open the door when snap! The door handle broke off. "Did I do that?" I questioned.

Doorknob in hand I squeezed just a little and it crushed completely under the pressure. "I wasn't even trying..." I said scared and threw the knob which created a hole in the wall. Frightened I screamed and it echoed through the room.

The door opening caught the attention of my ears as the noise that used to be quiet was too loud for me now. I covered my ears and shrieked. Then lights flooded my sight.

Too bright

"AH TURN IT OFF!" I screamed and the lights were switched off. "Right. Vampires are sensitive when they first turn." Hyera's voice called out. "Hyera? I'm...I'm a-" "A vampire. Yes. I performed a spell on you that killed you and switched out your human heart with a vampires soul." She explained and the memories came flooding back to me.

"Where's my heart?" I asked curiously. "Here" Hyera said showing me a bubble that contained a heart. My heart. I whimpered. "Jisung." "He's alright. Though he wants to see you, we can't let him. You're still trying to control your vampire strength and well we can't have you biting him or squashing him under your hands." Hyera explained.

"However. We needed someone to monitor you cause there's cameras everywhere and I mean everywhere and I would do it but the baby is being a butt and is tap dancing on my lungs and Taeyong was too uncomfortable to do it so I asked Jisung to monitor you." She added on and with that she bid me farewells an I was left in the room. With the door locked.

"Jisung...can-can you hear me?" I asked out loud. "Yes" he answered telepathically. "Are you...mad at me?" "Yes." "Jisung I'm sorry. I use wanted to stay alive for you." "Did you not believe that I could protect you?" "Jisung-" "I don't hate you. I'm just not the happiest with your choices. And I'm gonna miss how warm you felt." "It'll be okay. I'll make it up to you." "Let's just start by keeping you alive. Well...walking dead."

I giggled "Jisung I'm not a zombie." "You're not. You're just like me now. I hate it." "Why?" "Because me and my kind alike, we're all bad, Haeun. I didn't want that for you." "I'll be okay also long as I'm with you."

After about an hour of talking Jisun explained to me that I've been out for a week and that he thought I wasn't going to wake up and because of that there's piles of dead bodies out in the castle court yard

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After about an hour of talking Jisun explained to me that I've been out for a week and that he thought I wasn't going to wake up and because of that there's piles of dead bodies out in the castle court yard. "That habit of yours." "Speaking of habits, go take a shower." Jisung demanded. "Why so you can watch me?" I asked and Jisung laughed. "Just doing my job ma'am." "Can you close your eyes? I won't try to escape. I just don't feel too comfortable with you watching me shower."

"Despite what Hyera said, there are ways for you to keep your privacy even though there's cameras in the bathroom." Jisung said. And he was right. There was a curtain around the toilet and shower so I would be fine. "Thank you."

I decided to settle down after the shower and out on pajamas and watch a movie

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I decided to settle down after the shower and out on pajamas and watch a movie. "What do you want to watch Jisung?" I asked. "I'm not actually there baby." He laughs. "Oh right. Then I'm watching the chilling adventures of Sabrina." "I thought you didn't like demons." Jisung said. "Well yeah but then I remembered that I'm dating one and well, now I'm one."

In the middle of the 3rd episode I stopped and pondered. "Is something wrong?" Jisung asked. "I was just wondering. Why can't I leave this room?" I asked. "You saw how you reacted when Hyera turned on the light in the room. You're sensitive. Imagine going out into the sun like that, you'd catch fire." Jisung explained. "Oh." "Well baby, I think you should go to sleep now." Jisung suggested. "But it's still bright." I said "actually it's pitch black outside right now. It's 03:31. Here, I'll turn off the lights and tv for you." Jisung said and the room got darker and the tv went off.

"Oh, I can still see." I said. "Amazing isn't it?" Jisung said s I tucked myself in. "I thought vampires don't need sleep." I said yawning. "New vampires do. Goodnight Haeun."

"Good night Jisung."

Whoop whoop whoop whoop!

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Whoop whoop whoop whoop!

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