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Haeun's P.O.V

"Where's Jisung?" I asked Jeno who kept avoiding me. "Uhhhhhhh." He said slowly backing away. "Lee Jeno!" I shouted and he groaned. "Ugh fine! I'll take you to him." He frowned and lead me to the cellar.

Jisung was bound by his wrists in quicksilver (vampires can not break quicksilver) shackles. "JENO WHAT THE HELL!" I shouted. Jisung rose his head at the sound of my voice. His whole body seemed to be covered in a thin sheet of sweat. His skin was more pale than usual and his eyes were blood red.

A predatorily animalistic growl left him. His eyes stalked my every move, every breath, his ears picked up every sound including my increasing heartbeat.

"I would attack you but as you can see, I'm bound to this wall." Jisung smirked. "You don't want to hurt me." I said confidently. "Not hurt you? That's all I want." Jisung said. "Haeun, come with me for a second." Jeno said grabbing my wrist. "Get your filthy hands off of my girl." Jisung spat.

Quickly removing his hand and leaving the room, I followed Jeno into the hallway of the cellar. "See what I mean? He should be fine in like a week." Jeno laughed nervously.

"Can I try calming him down?" I asked. "Be my guest Yoo Haeun. But remember that he is dangerous." Jeno said walking upstairs.

I walked back into the cellar and sat down in front of Jisung. "Hi." I said calmly. "Hey princess." Jisung said. "Are you in any pain?" "Not really, just starving." "I'm-" "Sorry? Yeah."

"Hey, look at me." I said grabbing his face with both of my hands and turning him to face me. I smiled sweetly at him, " You can get over this." I said squishing his face.

"You know I hate being treated like a little kid Haeun." Jisung frowned. "Is it so bad? I'm sure you feel like this too. Maybe less intense though." Jisung laughed.

"I don't want your blood Ji, I just want to help you." I said. "Is there any way I can?" "Give me a kiss?" Jisung said. "I'm being serious Ji." I said. "I am too!" Jisung frowned. "Okay, Just one though." I smiled and leaned in to give him a kiss.

"Okay now no more complaining." I smiled. "Now, is there a serious way that I can help you through this? Preferably a way that doesn't involve me being drained of my blood?" I asked and Jisung nodded with a smirk. "Yes but, I'm gonna need another kiss."

After spending the whole night keeping him company and holding him in my arms, Jisung seemed like his old self again when i woke up in the morning

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After spending the whole night keeping him company and holding him in my arms, Jisung seemed like his old self again when i woke up in the morning. "Jisung? Are you alright now?" I asked. "Better than alright princess. Thank you." He said "I'm just glad I could help." I smiled. I went to get the keys to unlock Jisung and set him free.

"Haeun wait." Jisung called to me. "Yes?" "I've never really made it official so...will you be my girlfriend?" Jisung asked me. Something came over me and I was overwhelmed with joy, so much that I started tearing up. "Yes I will." I smiled.

"Oh geez don't cry." Jisung said hugging me and rubbing my back to calm me down. "I'm not~" I whined and he laughed.

"So Jisung's back to normal?" Min asked

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"So Jisung's back to normal?" Min asked. "Yeah." Jisung said. "How did you help him?" She asked and I smiled. "I guess I have the magic touch?" I said and Jisung nearly choked on his food. Since I held him all night like he was a baby.

"Magic...touch?" "OKAY HEY HOW ABOUT WE ALL WATCH A MOVIE!?" Jisung suggested loudly and everyone agreed, exiting to the living room.

"Princess if you keep acting like that I might have to fight you." Jisung whispered into my ear and left me laughing on the floor. "Pft. Jerk" I smiled to myself.


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Also I'm totally doing this in government right now. IM COMPLETELY EMBARRASSED FROM THIS INAPPROPRIATE-ISH CHAPTER

Do you guys have that one teacher who's voice annoys the mess out of you? That's my fracking Gov teacher mehhh! >:(

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