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Haeun's P.O.V

"Jaemin I'm gonna kill you if you don't get your hands off of my little sister right now." Jaehyun said. "Jaehyun stop he's my soulmate!" Soji said and Jaehyun's eyes went wide. "Him? God why out of all people one of my associates?" Jaehyun shook his head.

"Hi, I'm Eunbi." Eunbi said to Haechan. Haechan's usually chill demeanor was now gone and a flustered boy was left behind. "Hello, my name is Haechan." He said shyly.

"Hi, I'm Renjun! But you can call me, any time." Renjun said and Taehee laughed at his remark. "Do you remember me Soogi?" Jeno asked and she nodded. "I can believe you still remember me too. We were both wasted." Soogi laughed. "I'm Chenle." Chenle introduces himself. "I'm Xiaoyou." Xiaoyou smiled and Chenle smiled back.

"Okay love birds. Sit down and eat before breakfast gets cold." Hyera commanded and we all began eating. Right in the middle of a table wide lively conversation, Jisung hobbled down the stairs with Mirae holding him up.

"Well it took you long enough Jisung." Hyera joked and the girls and I laughed. "Yeah it was crazy sis. The biggest fucking lightning bolt came into my room and nearly struck me dead." Jisung said sarcastically, knowing it was her doing.

Taeyong turned to Hyera. "What'd you do that for?" He asked his soulmate and Hyera whispered into his ear. "I see." He said looking at Jisung. "You deserved it." Taeyong said and the whole table erupted with laughter.

"But I'm not fucking healing as fast as I used to." Jisung said and everyone went quiet, noticing that he was still injured enough to not walk on his own.

"And I wonder why." Hyera said sarcastically. "Maybe eating with the rest of us will make you feel better." Hyera said motioning to the two empty seats at the table.

They took their seats and everyone continued what they were doing. Everything was calm and fine...until I was being careless with my knife and cut my finger.

"Son of a-" I said reaching for a napkin and wrapping my finger. "Wow, Haeun your blood smells really good...no offense." Eunbi said.

Then there was a loud crash and an animalistic growl from the other side of the table. Jisung's eyes went black and he was fighting against Chenle's grip. "The hell is wrong with him?" Soji said picking me up and backing up slowly.

"Girls, follow me, quickly." Hyera said dragging me out of the room. "COME BACK HERE!" Jisung screamed. He really didn't sound like himself and it was scaring me.

"Dammit, he's gone into bloodlust. Keep Haeun in her room here until the coast is clear. I'm not sure how long the boys can hold Jisung back." Hyera explained to us and I shook at the thought.

"Bloodlust?" I asked. "He wants to drink your blood and probably kill you." Soogi explained and I almost cried. "Don't worry! You'd come back as a vampire once he kills you!" Soji tried to make the situation better but now I was in full blown tears.

"Keep her in here. I'll guard the door from the outside." Hyera said closing the door. I locked the door and took a deep breath. "Woahhh, is this our new room?" Xiaoyou asked and I turned around to see what she meant.

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"Wow, talk about a makeover

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"Wow, talk about a makeover." I said. Just then there was a scream of pain and Xiaoyou tumbled down, holding her stomach in pain. "Chenle's down." She said. "Woah, when did you two complete the bond?" Eunbi asked and Xiaoyou shrugged. "Last night I guess."

"Wait!" Soji shouted causing us to look at her. "There's only 4 beds! There's 6 of us!" She frowned. "What you've never shared a bed?" Eunbi asked and Soji shook her head.

"I call sharing a bed with Haeun." Xiaoyou said jumping on a bed at the top bunk. "HEY NO FAIR I WAS GONNA SAY THAT!" Eunbi said hugging me closer to her.

"Too bad I said it first!" Xiaoyou said and patted the bed and I climbed in with her. The other top bunk went to Eunbi and Soji. The bottom two went to Soogi and Taehee took the other one.

After a while, we heard Hyera's shriek outside the door and my blood went cold. It was quiet outside, too quiet.

We all shot up in alarm and the girls and I rushed to the door to try to hear something.

"Ha...eun." Jisung's voice said from the other side of the door. "HAEUN GET BACK!" Taehee shouted and they all tried with all their might to keep the door closed from Jisung who was insistently pounding on it.

"I have a plan!" I said grabbing my daggers that I got from Eunsang. "Taehee, rip him off of me on my mark okay?" I said and I unlocked the door. Jisung came in and looked me in the eyes with his black, soulless eyes. He smirked and walked towards me. Okay, let's see what this vampire training has done for me.

I lunged at Jisung, taking him off guard. I knocked him off of his feet and onto the ground. I took out 2 daggers and used them to pin Jisung down to the ground by his hands.

"I'm sorry but you're trying to eat me!" I screamed before I took out another blade and cut my finger again. Jisung writhed under the daggers that we're keeping him bound to the floor.

I placed my bleeding finger in his mouth and he began drinking what he could. I removed the daggers from his hands and watched as his hands healed completely in seconds.

I went to move away but Jisung grabbed my arm and pinned me down as he bit down into my wrist, trying to get more blood. "Ah! Now Taehee!"

Taehee and the girls all grabbed Jisung and dragged him out of the room where they found they boys and Hyera huddled up. "HERE! TAKE HIM BEFORE HE KILLS HER!" Taehee shouted and the boys grabbed him and dragged him away, leaving the girls and I breathless.

"So...." Hyera said. "Anyone else wanna go to the mall and get the hell out of here?" "Yes!" We practically shouted as we all rushed out of the house, still in our pajamas and rushed off to the mall.

Now that he's gotten a taste of Haeun, Jisung's only gonna want more.

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