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Narrator P.O.V
~hours later~

"Suit up men. We have a locale on the princess. She's somewhere inside of SM town. We're afraid if we do not act immediately, that we will lose her. We leave in one hour." Taeyong announced.

In the back of the room, Minhee and Dohyon heard the news of Haeun's location and dashed away to find Dongpyo and Eunsang to tell them of their findings.

"Eunsang! Min!" Dohyon shouted when he spotted his older brother. "Dohyon? What's wrong?" Eunsang asked. "They've found Haeun. We're going out tonight to get her back." Dohyon answered and Eunsang's eyes went wide.

"Finally. After having her gone for 2 whole weeks. We're getting our sister back, tonight." Eunsang said and the boys agreed. "We are going back to the armory to get prepared. We leave in one hour." Minhee said and he and Dohyon ran back to the armory.

Eunsang was about to join them when Min grabbed his hand, holding him back. "Min?" He asked and min lifted her gaze from the floor to his eyes. "I want you to be very careful and promise me that you'll come back in one piece." Min said and Eunsang smiled.

He brought their foreheads together and IEP eye contact with her. "I promise." He smiled, extending his pinky towards her. She smiled back and intertwined their pinkies. They stayed there in each others embrace before Eunsang had to go. Min left him with a kiss on his cheek that left Eunsang a smiling fool.

An hour later, Jisung was armed with his chest plate and a gun along with a dagger

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An hour later, Jisung was armed with his chest plate and a gun along with a dagger. Everyone was equipped with a small handgun these days and who knows how many men Mirae had protecting her.

"Are you ready Jisung?" Taeyong asked. "Yeah." Jisung said. "Look, even if this mission fails, we know for certain that she's still alive." Taeyong said patting his brother's shoulder. "Thanks hyung."

"Okay! Here's the plan. I want at least 100 men on each of the 3 exists of the building when we find it. The town is not that large but keep your eyes sharp. There are 400 men including the Prince and I to storm the buildings in search of which could belong to Mirae. Do not cause harm to any of my civilians." Taeyong spoke. "Yes sir!" Everyone chanted.

"General Taeil." Taeyong called out. "Sir." Taeil responded. "Have you redirected your troupers to the new location?" "Yes sir, they should be arriving there in the next 20 minutes."

"Perfect. Another thing. We have humans helping us to fight today. These are the brothers of Princess Haeun. They are also a priority. Keep them safe and transport them as they do not have super speed." Taeyong ordered. "Sir!" Everyone chanted again. "Okay ready, attack!" Taeyong said and with that everyone sped off to SM town in search of the princess.

The searching process didn't take long with the speed that the soldiers were traveling. They searched what seemed like every building but saw no sign of where the princess could be until they heard a groan of pain coming from one of their men.

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