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Narrator P.O.V
~late last night~

Jisung was in the midst of a dream when he shot up from bed, hot and bothered. He tried opening windows, drinking cold water, nothing worked and his body temperature seemed to have kept rising.

Before he could eleven realize it, Jisung had wandered aimlessly down the hall trying to find something cold to cool him down. Just as he passed Hyera's old room, he felt a gust of cold wind blow in his direction from the room.

Desperate to cool off he walked in and he felt a huge sense of relief wash over him, then suddenly he felt drowsy. He didn't even feel the strength to go back into his room so he just decided to sleep in there for the night, ignoring the fact that it felt like there was a body in the bed with him.

~20 minutes before Haeun awoke~

"Haeun good morning I brought you some things-" Hyera said waking into Haeun's room when she saw Jisung in her bed. They looked so peaceful like that so she took out her phone and snapped a picture of the two as future blackmail for Jisung before walking out and deciding that she'd come back later.

~present time~
Haeun's P.O.V

"AH!" I shrieked which alarmed Jisung and he woke up. "#@&$?" Jisung muttered, still in a sleepy trance. "Why are you in my bed your majesty?" I questioned and he snapped back into reality.

"W- I- Wait- why are you in Hyera's old room?" He asked. "You can answer a question with a question." I snapped back at him. "And this is my room now!" I said.

"Okay, okay." Jisung said putting his hands up in defense when he saw the red string again. "Ugh when does this shit go away?" He muttered and tried to untie the string from his hand but to no avail.

"Your majesty?" I said and Jisung turned to me with a hum. "Please get out of my room."

~time skip~

"Thank you for bringing me. I'll fetch my things and hurry back after visiting with my somewhat of a family." I said to the driver of the carriage and he nodded and waited.

I walked to the house and took a deep breath before walking in. The first thing I saw was Dongpyo and his eyes widened.

"Haeun?" He whispered. "Dongpyo." I said and ran up to him giving him a hug as tightly as a could.

"Haeun is that you?" Eunsang said coming in from the back yard. Soon everyone rushed into the living room where I sat perched ready to answer all of their questions they had.

"You didn't come home with Dongpyo last night so we were worried sick. It really didn't help that he wouldn't talk either." Dohyon said sadly as he held my hands.

"I assure you that I'm fine. I have a job at the palace now though so I'll need to live there." I said and Dongpyo seethed with rage, knowing the truth. Not that I'm really lying though, just not telling the full truth.

"No! Please! I don't want you to leave I want you to stay with us!" Hyeongjun said almost to tears and Dohyon nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry I'll still visit once a week. It'll almost be like I never left. If it were up to me though, I'd have you all live with me. The room that they give me is just as big as this house!" I joked to get them to smile.

"If you really have to go then...I'm gonna miss you...sis." Eunsang said tearing up. "Please don't leave me.." Dohyon cried and I started crying too. We did a group hug before I got the couple of outfits that I owned and was ready to leave.

"It's not forever. When I get enough money from working, I'll buy us a new home. One close to the palace so that we can live together all the time again. I'll get you all cellphones and tutors to help you learn more than reading or writing. I'll give you all a happy life I promise." I said and Dohyon shook his head.

"It won't be a happy life without you." He said frowning and I gave him a big hug.

"This isn't goodbye, just a see you later!" I said smiling a sad smile at the boys whom I known for such little time yet they were more like family that anything I've had in a long time.

~small time skip~

I cried on my way back to the palace. It seemed like there was no happiness in store for me in this place. A palace is just as good as the people inside if it: pretty on the outside but on the inside is where all of the confusing and complicated aspects are.

Reaching the palace I stepped out of the carriage with my belongings in my hand and I was greeted by the Queen, Hyera but I completely ignored her greetings and walked through the hallways sulking, trying to find wherever my room was.

During my small expedition of the castle I stumbled upon a small unfamiliar corridor that was dimly lit and suspicious. I continued in through the hall at a quick pace at the uncomfortable atmosphere and that's when I heard it: cries of pleasure coming from down the hall.

I walked slowly and approached the sound that was around the corner.

I peeked around the corner and saw the source of the noise. There was a couple, nearly nude, in each other's embrace against the wall, too enraptured in each other to notice my presence behind them.

At first, I didn't know why my heart tugged at the sight of them being so intimate and then I noticed the red string attached to the boy that led its way back to me.

That was Prince Jisung, but who was that girl he was with? Why do I feel this way?

I turned around and bolted in the other direction, not looking back for a second and finally locating my room before shutting the door, locking it, and crying my eyes out.

Jisung you butt

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