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Haeun's P.O.V

Another shriek escaped through the castle walls. "How much longer until the get rid of that Kang Mirae? Jisung kicked her out YESTERDAY!" Soogi  complained as another scream went through the halls. "Okay that's it. Mamas gonna go take the trash out." Hyera said stomping out of our room.

Jisung came in not long after Hyera left. "Haeun, can we talk?" Jisung asked and I shrugged. "Sure." "We'll leave your two here~" Taehee said as the girls walked out.

"Speak now boy I haven't got all day." I joked and Jisung laughed. "Well we're supposed to be soulmates and because I started this whole...relationship the wrong way I was wondering if I could turn a wrong into a right?" Jisung asked.

"Mister Park Jisung! Are you asking to court me?" I asked. "If you'll have me, Miss Yoo Haeun." He said extending his hand.

I shook my head and he looked at me confused. That is until I pulled him into a hug. "This is a good place for soulmates to start." I said smiling into his chest and he hugged me back.

"Why don't we go on a date after your weekly visit home?" Jisung said holding my hand. I nodded. "Sure, let's do that." I said and Jisung smiled before heading out of the room.

My face went aflame and I was left squealing. "How is this possible? Just a couple days ago he was like my enemy! Is this because of the soulmates bond?" I thought out loud while covering my face. "Whatever it is me likey!"

Later on in the day, we were all called down for dinner

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Later on in the day, we were all called down for dinner. "Wow Hyera, I really appreciate the new phone but I really didn't really need one." I smiled. "First of all it's more for us than you, easier contact. And second, I'm not the one who bought that for you." Hyera said smirking.

"I bought it. I hope you like it." Jisung said sitting down next to me. I blushed like a fool and looked away. "Yeah, it's cool."

"Awe young love! Everyone, I have a toast! TO THE FUTURE QUEEN OF NEO KINGDOM!" Hyera shouted. "TO THE FUTURE QUEEN OF NEO KINGDOM!" Everyone else chimed in. "Alright guys that's enough you're embarrassing her." Jisung said laughing and Hyera smirked once again.

Leaning over to me she said "Hey Haeun wanna know a secret about Jisung?" She asked and I was too intrigued to say no. "Lay it on me." I said giggling with Hyera. She whispered into my ear and I gasped. "Tonight!?" I asked back and by now the other girls were intrigued too.

"Okay, I'm gonna tell you guys your mans secret desires. Let's have fun tonight girls. Ready?"

Knock knock knock

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Knock knock knock. "Come in." Jisung voice called out. I opened the door to his room and walked in. "Um...Jisung?" I said shyly remembering the plan.

"Don't worry Haeun," Hyera said to me "Jisung May act really mature but he's super soft on the inside. Go to his room tonight and cuddle with him. He's gonna love it!" I remembered the conversation.

"Haeun? What brings you here? It's like 11PM." Jisung said, tiredly. "I..." I started. Oh god this is so embarrassing I thought. "I...can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked blushing.

Jisung sat up. "You...what?" "The other girls are uh... with their soulmates and left me alone and it feels lonely in the room." I said not even making eye contact with him. "Sure. I don't mind." He said moving to make space for me in his bed. "O-okay." I said.

I climbed in and laid down on my back, looking up at the ceiling. My heart was pounding.

I thought soulmates were supposed to just magically fall in love with each other and be comfortable! This is so awkward I could die!

You're thinking so loud Haeun just got to sleep.


Can't help it sweets, we are one.

Stop it you sound like a creep.

Says you hehehehehe



Did...do you actually want to be with me?

What do you mean?

Well, you seemed really happy with Mirae and-

That's where you're wrong. I never really felt an interest in her. She was more of a pass time. As terrible as that sounds, I only was close to her to get a reaction out of you, now that I think about it deeper.

Am I just a pass time?

No. Though I've been terrible to you, you still remained pure hearted and that's all I could ever ask for. Mirae...she was in it for the sensuality.

You mean that kissing nonsense?

Oh, it was more than kissing. Want me to show you-



I heard Jisung chuckling and so I punched his back, which was facing me. Then, a distinct "Oh god Jeno~" was heard through the walls from Soogi. "Jisung! Get me some ear plugs!" I whispered to him and he turned to face me. "Here." He said covering my ears with his hands.

Now you don't have to hear it

I smiled to him and cuddled myself into his chest. I could feel his heart rate pick up and mine did too. These simple touches between us felt euphoric. Unlike anything I've ever known.

You're such a hot shot yet your heart rate picked up cause I hugged you? Really Jisung?

I'm a guy these things take getting used to...

Okay these two are SO cute and the next few chapters are just gonna be their progress

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Okay these two are SO cute and the next few chapters are just gonna be their progress.

Also I sat here for like 2 hours debating whether or not I should publish this

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