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Haeun's P.O.V
~1 week later~

"Okay Eunsang, let's do this." I said preparing for a battle sequence. Eunsang suggested that I kept training in dresses since that's all I owned and that it would be a better training exercise.

Eunsang and I have been practicing vampire slaying every day for a week now after the boys reading and writing lessons which I have now taught them all to do. Not many people can do either these days, only the rich really knew.

Training has been fun, I got to know a lot about Eunsang through it considering he hated me at the beginning of all of this. Eunsang is such a kind boy.

"On your left!" Eunsang shouted and I ran towards the target dummy and slashed my blade through it. "Forward." Eunsang shouted again and I darted forward, farther into the woods and found the next target dummy. I smirked and threw my dagger at it.

If this were a real person, this would have created a distraction towards the stupid vampire and they would have dodged it, giving me enough time to sneak up to them and take them out.

I dashed behind the dummy and stabbed it where the heart would have been located. With vampires it's importance that you hit a vital organ or they'll just heal back. At least you could immobilize them by hitting a nerve in their spine. "Last one on the right!" Eunsang instructed and I took the target dummy out with ease.

"Nice work! You've inproved a lot since Dongpyo bought you that anatomy book. You're hitting the marks in the correct places without my help at all." Eunsang complimented. "Thanks! Alright, let's go get cleaned up it's my turn to make dinner." I said walking back in the direction of the house. "Why don't I cook tonight?" Eunsang suggested.

"You know how to cook?" I asked and Eunsang scratches the back of his head. "I can make rice pretty well..." he said and I shook my head, laughing.

~time skip~

"No- WHO TAUGHT YOU HOW TO COOK YOU'RE GONNA BURN THE HOUSE DOWN." I screamed as whatever Eunsang was cooking caught fire.

"AH HAEUN HELP ME PLEASE!" Eunsang screamed and I grabbed the pan and ran outside to the waterfall and splashed some water on the poor burnt pan. "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO COOK ANYMORE!" I yelled at Eunsang and he laughed.

"I'm sorry I thought I could do it. I guess all I can do is fight." Eunsang said with a sad smile. I then took his arm and pulled him into the waterfall lake with me. "HAEUN WHY!?" He screamed, shaking in the cold water. "You looked like you could use a little happy, this water always makes me happy, does it make you happy?" I asked. "No-" he started but I splashed water in his face before he could finish. "How about now?" I asked smiling.

"You-" "AH! WHO LEFT THE STOVE ON!?" We heard Dongpyo scream from inside. "I JUST CAME HOME FROM WORK UGH WHAT WERE THE 2 OF YOU DOING??? TRYING TO COMMIT ARSON???" Dongpyo yelled at us as we stood outside, soaked and cold.

"It's okay little brother, don't worry about it. Haeun actually saved the house from catching fire. I tried to cook." Eunsang took responsibility. "Well both of you were reckless, big brother, so both of you are gonna sit out here and air dry before you even THINK of stepping in here! I'll make rice porridge for dinner." Dongpyo said sassy before walking back inside and starting to cook.

"Well that was fun, wasn't it little sis?" Eunsang said I beamed from ear to ear. "You think of me as your sister!?" I asked. "Of course. I'm sure all of us do. You're the closest thing to a mother/sister figure we've had in a while. Not since after Dongpyo's mom." Eunsang smiled. I smiled back, "I'm glad to be part of the family now." I said.

Does EVERYONE really only think of her as a sister? 🤔

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