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Haeun's P.O.V
~the following month~

"Hey Haeun, do you wanna come out into town with me today?" Dongpyo asked me and I nodded excitedly. I haven't really gotten to go into town yet, I mainly wandered around in the woods during Sunday's after a church service. I changed into my town outfit and left with Dongpyo for the afternoon.

~small time skip~

The town was more beautiful than the town that I had grown up in. The streets were littered with bright and fun colors and the building had decorations all over them. "Is the town usually this decorated?" I asked Dongpyo. "Not usually, this just means that someone from the royal family has chosen to visit the village today." He said with no interest.

"You don't sound too happy about that." I assessed. "What do you expect? Vampires are the reason my parents are dead." He said. "Those were rouge vampires Pyo, you can hate all vampires because of the bad ones." I said looking him in his eyes.

His eyes glinted in the sunlight as he looked at me. I smiled towards him and he smiled back. "Did you just call me Pyo?" He said softly while smiling at me, inching closer. "So what if I did?" I said just as soft as him as my breaths became more and more shallow.

"Haeun I feel like I've liked you since the moment I met you. You're so kind despite your bad past and I admire you for that." Dongpyo confessed to me. "I feel like I like you too." I admitted. "Can I kiss you?" Dongpyo asked and I nodded.

The gap between us closed and my heart felt light. My first kiss, I thought as our lips moved together as if in a dance. The world around us seemed to have paused and we were the only people there, it was beautiful, but my heart didn't flutter like books said it would.

I pulled away first and looked at Dongpyo. His cheeks were flushed red and he stared back at me. I don't know how to feel about this. I know that I like him but kissing him felt off, as if he's not the one... I thought.

"I don't understand.." Dongpyo said to me, pulling me out of my thoughts. "W-what?" I stuttered. "There's no red string of fate between us? I don't know how they work so I assumed that it would show up if I kissed you but it didn't. I know that I like you though and you said you liked me...I'm so confused." Dongpyo said running a hand through his hair.

"No matter," Dongpyo started. "I still want to be with you Haeun." He said grabbing my hands. Before I could respond however a voice, a mean sounding one, called out to me.

"YOO HAEUN!" They bowel. I turned around to be met face to face with grown men that I was not familiar with. "How do you know my name?" I asked them and the smirked a wicked smirk. "Your father sent us." One of the four said and my heart stopped. "My...father..."

"Yeah but don't worry, he told us to bring you to him alive. But you're just so beautiful, he never said we had to return you a virgin." They all laughed at the mans remark.

"Dongpyo I want you to run and find help." I said to Dongpyo and he instantly refused. "You'll get taken, I'd never forgive myself." He said and I looked him in the eyes. "I'll be okay." I smiled. "Now go." I demanded and he ran off. "Hey get that little brat before he gets the chance to get away!" The man shouted and one of the four walked in Dongpyo's direction.

I took the opportunity to take one of my ten mini blades and threw it at his feet, connecting straight to his shoe, stopping his movement. "Maybe you might wanna focus on this young virgin girl here." I smirked and the men grew angry just looking at me.

"A girl? Fighting? Please. Go get her he commanded his three other companions towards me and I lunged towards them. Because of my smaller height and agility, I was a hard target to keep up with, taking surprise shots at their faces.

"Just take the stupid bitch out!" The man screamed as his comrades couldn't catch me. I took out another mini blade and cut at their shins so that they would slow down and give me resting time and the man had enough of me.

When he decided to take action himself, I dashed up to him and held my blade at his throat. "On your knees." I commanded   "I would rather die than listen to a woman." He said and I threw the blade at him and it cut his cheek. "Your knees." I said pulling out another and he finally listened.

"This woman," I started "can kick your ass in a mere 15 minutes! How does it feel you big loser?" I asked. Before the man could answer, Dongpyo cane rushing back with help.

"Haeun I found some vampire officials and- holy shit did you do this?" Dongpyo said rounding the corner with 3 vampires. "Oh hey! Yeah just taking out trash." I said and turned around.

My heart stopped, among the vampires, one of them stood out to me and my heart...fluttered. Once he made eye contact with me too, it was like a ray of sun hit my chest and I felt warm.

A sudden tug on my finger made me look down at it and a red string was tied to it and the other end of it led to that vampire.

Who is he? I thought

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Who is he? I thought.

Who are you?

You can hear my thoughts?  Wait why can I hear yours?

Silence. "OH MY GOD! JISUNG YOU HAVE A DEADLINE TO THAT HUMAN GIRL?" One of the vampires shouted to the one I was fated to. Jisung... I thought.

"Okay if we're done here, we'll be going!" Dongpyo said and grabbed my arm and make a break for his carriage. I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and ran with him.

No it can be. I like Dongpyo, not that Jisung guy. I thought as we ran. "Hey! Get back here and return his soulmate! He'll die without her!" One of the two boys running after us said and neither of them was that Jisung guy.

When we got into the carriage, Dongpyo took off at full speed without looking back and we were off. "Why didn't they use their super speed or whatever?" I asked and Dongpyo stiffened. "We have." A voice said from behind us. Our heads spun around to the two boys in the back seat of the carriage.

"Hi. I'm Chenle and this is Jaemin. I'm gonna need you to come with us."
Aw damn. Jisung is currently draining the life out of those criminals cause he was hungry.

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