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Haeun's P.O.V
~a week later~

"Why are we doing this again?" Min asked boredly as we went into the mall again. "Because Min, there is going to be another celebration tomorrow for my birthday and its being celebrated by the whole kingdom." I explained. "Can't we wear casual wear? I'm sick of big poofs and high heels." Min complained. I giggled "Well then let's pick something casual yet appropriate enough for the event."

Haeun's choice:

Haeun's choice:

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Min's choice:

Min's choice:

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"There. These should be casual enough right? All the heiresses are wearing dresses like these!" I said excitedly. "And I can see my legs! Gah, the breeze feels good!" Min said. "You know, I never thought I would ever wear such nice clothes." "Neither did I, Min. But life is unexpectedly like that." I smiled.

We bought the dresses and went on our way back to the castle to help prepare for the celebration. We were mostly in the kitchen though the maids didn't really like it all too much that the princess and her lady in waiting were doing maids work.

"I was doing maids work when I first lived here. This is just kind of like a family reunion of sorts i guess." I said and continued helping. It was like a breath of fresh air to be around all of the castle workers, they reminded me of my mother, before she abandoned me.

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