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Narrator's P.O.V

"KING TAEYONG!" Chenle screamed running down the halls of the castle with a bloodied note in his hand. This morning he heard news from one of his maids that there was a dead body hung on the front gates of the castle and there it was, Sir Jungwoo from the Neo Zone district, hung by his hands with nails imbedded in them with blood surrounding him and seeping onto the ground.

A large note caught the attention of Chenle as it was nailed into his chest, just barely missing his heart. Jungwoo however was thankfully still alive but seriously injured. The note read "We hereby declare waging war on Neo Kingdom. Hand over princess Yoo Haeun and your kingdom shall be spared. If not, you shall all perish." -King Han of SKZ Kingdom.

Chenle, filled with immense dread ordered the other knights to get Sir Jungwoo down and to get him some blood immediately and rushed over to Taeyong as fast as his legs could carry him.

Chenle showed Taeyong the note and Taeyong's eyes changed to that of an animal. "Prepare the troops for defense against SKZ Kingdom." Taeyong decrees and Chenle went to work gathering every Knight the kingdom had, including Haeun's brothers.

Unknown to her, in her dreamland state of cuddling Jisung as they slept, that there was a high bounty on her head.

"How do I even tell her this?" Taeyong asked Hyera

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"How do I even tell her this?" Taeyong asked Hyera. "Maybe you don't have to. She'll find out from her brothers when they tell her that they got drafted." Hyera said patting Taeyong's back. "She should hear it from us though.." Taeyong said as he stood up and walked out of the room, speeding to his brothers room to talk to Haeun.

Knock knock knock

the door tapped. "Who could that be?" Jisung asked as he got out of the bed where a sleeping Haeun lay. He opened the door to see his brother standing there with the longest face. "Everything okay?" Jisung asked as his brother began to look pale.

"Haeun..." Taeyong began. "Taeyong? You're worrying me, what is it?" Jisung started. "She's asleep in bed-"

Taeyong pushes past Jisung and lightly shook Haeun awake. "Taeyong? what are you doing here is something wrong?" she asks tiredly. "That's what i've been asking him." Jisung says sitting next to his lover.

"Haeun...we are going to war with SKZ Kingdom. The King, Han, demands you dead or alive delivered to him." Taeyong spat out and Jisung rose. "Well then a war he shall have! He will not be taking my love away from me without a fight." Jisung said behind gritted teeth.

"Once I have my hands on him i'll slit his throat from ear to ear." "That's not all." Taeyong interjected. "Your brothers...your brothers must join the fight against against SKZ."

"HAVE YOU NO SHAME TAEYONG!?" Haeun shouted. "AGAINST AN ARMY OF VAMPIRES!?" "They knew what they were doing when they signed up for the guard. They wanted to protect you. Please let them do their jobs." Taeyong said.

"I don't plan on losing anyone on that battle field, Taeyong." Haeun said as her eyes flashed a menacing red color. "I understand, Princess." Taeyong said bowing and leaving the room.

"I'm sorry i have to tell you like this..but it was the only way. You need to know what we're up against." He said outside of their room before briskly walking away to prepare the troops for what very well may be the bloodiest war yet.

" He said outside of their room before briskly walking away to prepare the troops for what very well may be the bloodiest war yet

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I'mmmmmm baaaaaaack!

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