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Narrator's P.O.V

"You haven't waken her up yet?" Mirae asked her new servant, Sanyeo. "Not yet mistress." He replied. "Perfect. I think it's time for a little family reunion don't you think?" Mirae grinned wickedly. "I couldn't agree more." Sanyeo smirked back.

Sanyeo took Haeun's body past the guards that littered the perimeter of the manner in which Mirae stayed and took her to the room where her mother, Soohoon was.

"Yah, Shin Soohoon." Sanyeo said, harshly kicking her with his foot. "Sanyeo...you sack of shit." Soohoon spat. "I would watch what you say in front of our daughter." I said throwing Haeun down.

"Haeun! What have you done to her! Why is there a crown on her head-" "Our daughter seems to be a slut like you Soohoon. She somehow managed to seduce a prince and is now the princess of Neo Kingdom."

Soohoon opened her eyes in shock. "First of all cal me a wut if you want to but don't you dare say that about my daughter. Second of all fuck you." Soohoon said. "You two can talk now. I'll be back with done fun toys." Sanyeo said smiling maniacally and leaving the room.

" Sanyeo said smiling maniacally and leaving the room

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Haeun's P.O.V

My senses all slowly started coming back to me as I opened my eyes. My body ached, like I had been thrown around and my head pounded mercilessly against my brain.

With blurry vision, I tried to stand up but ultimately failed. "Jisung? Jisung..." I murmured fiddling around with the floor to see if I could find something, anything to hunt at where I could be.

"There's nothing here. Not even a bed." A voice said from behind me. My head whipped around to the voice but my vision was still blurred. "Who's there?" I said trying to focus my vision.

"You really don't recognize your own mothers voice?" She said as my vision focused. "Mommy?" I said not being able to believe it. "Are you an angel? Father said you were dead." "Of course he did. Haeun, sweetheart I'm so sorry-" "You abandoned me! With that MONSTER of a father. You didn't even care!" I screamed.

"No Haeun that's not true I was going to come back for you I just-" "You just what forgot?" I cried. "Haeun please." She said getting upset. "You don't have the right to be upset with me." I said and faced away from her. "Haeun!" She yelled. "Don't speak to me." I ignored her.

"Well, isn't this a heart touching moment!" Mirae said walking through the door. "I could almost cry." She said wiping fake tears from her face. "Kang Mirae." I spat

"You, Miss Yoo Haeun should be thanking me. I brought your beloved mother back!" Mirae fake smiled. "There's nothing beloved about it." I said. "Uh oh. Mommy dear it seems like our Haeun is upset with you. Tsk tsk tsk." Mirae said shaking her head.

"What the hell do you want from me Mirae?" I asked raising my head proudly. "Oh wipe that stupid proud look off of your face princess. You know what I want." Mirae smirked. "And you know that that'll never happen." I said back. "But I have my ways Haeun." Mirae said grabbing me by the hair and dragging me out of the room I was in.

I kicked and screamed but into no avail. "Let her go!" My mother yelled. "Save it, Shin Soohoon. You never cared about her. You left her to rot with your filthy husband in hopes to erase your past mistakes. I can see it all. Your mind is filthy and greedy. You deserve what I'm about to do to her more than she does." Mirae said.

"Can I do the honors mistress?" Sanyeo asked. "Put her through hell." Mirae agreed and Sanyeo dragged my mother away.

 "Smile pretty for the camera Haeun!" Mirae said

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"Smile pretty for the camera Haeun!" Mirae said. I was blindfolded and bound to a chair by Mirae in some strange room. "Fuck you." I spat and Mirae sighed. "This video is for Jisung! You should be more enthusiastic!" Mirae said.

"How can I be enthusiastic about this?" I asked rhetorically. "Scream a little..." Mirae said. Suddenly a sharp pain hit my leg as a crack of a whip was heard through the air. I screamed and tried to catch my breath.

"Maybe this is a bit too kinky?" Mirae said and I heard her fiddle around for another object. "Would a knife be too cliche? Haeun what do you think?" Mirae asked. "I think you're a psychopath- AHH!" I screamed again as the knife slid across my thigh.

"It's a shame you're blindfolded, I want to see you cry! Let's take it off shall we?" Mirae said cutting off my blindfold with the knife. "Look at those beautiful tear stained eyes..." Mirae smirked and I spat in her face.

"You're a bad bad girl Haeun!" She screamed before stabbing my leg. "There! Look at those pretty tears. Now say hi to Jisung!" Mirae smiled and I couldn't do anything but cry.

"You want her back right Jisung? Well here's what you can do."

Okay I officially hate Mirae

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Okay I officially hate Mirae

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