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Haeun's P.O.V

"Miss Yoo?" A woman said at my room door. "I'm lord Chenle's servant, you were requested to come downstairs for dinner." She said. "Request denied. Please just leave me alone. I'm not in the mood to speak." I said through the door, not even moving an inch to try to open it.

"I will inform lord Chenle of this denial. Have a good night miss, I hope you feel better." "Thank you." I said and the clattering of her shoes indicated that the woman had left.

Two hours after the woman left there was another knock the door. "Haeun dear?" It was Hyera this time. "You didn't come down to dinner, so I thought I'd check up on you." She said as she opened the door. I remained under my bed sheets as she spoke.

"I brought Chenle with me, since he's like your boss now. I figured you two should talk. Maybe it'll make you feel better." Hyera said  before walking out of the room and closing the door behind her, leaving lord Chenle and I alone.

"I'd appreciate it if I could see your face." Lord Chenle said to me and I obliged. My face probably looked terrible. I don't wear makeup, I'd been crying and I didn't eat.

Chenle looked at my sad face. "Wanna tell me why you look so distraught?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't think I want to." I said, my voice hoarse from lack of fluids in my body and the fact that I haven't spoken in a couple of hours.

"She speaks." Lord Chenle said sarcastically. "I am sorry lord Chenle." I bowed. "Please, that Lord stuff has never fit with me. Just call me Chenle or, friend maybe?" He smiling at me.

Out of all the irrational situations I could have done, I didn't think it would have been this. I jumped out of bed ran towards Chenle, my new friend, and jumped into his arms, hugging him and wrapping my legs around his torso, desperate for affection and warmth.

"Of course we can be friends." I said as I started crying into the crook of his neck, his cold skin giving me goosebumps.

"Woahhh, what's wrong Haeun?" Chenle asked and I shook my head. "I don't think it's my business to tell." I said. Chenle walked over to a couch in the room and sat down with me still on him. Anyone who came in would mistake us as lovers.

Chenle pat my back to calm me down and it worked. No longer was I sniffling or crying. I wiped my face and muttered a thank you to him and stayed in my place. Even though his skin was cold, as vampires should be, in that moment it was calming me down.

"You're really warm." Chenle laughed and that made me chuckle. I didn't even notice I was falling asleep until I woke up in my bed. There was a note beside me saying 'you fell asleep so I just left. I hope you'll come down for breakfast :) -Chenle'

I smiled at the note and decided to take a shower. When I finished showering I walked back into my room and out on my day to day outfit.

 When I finished showering I walked back into my room and out on my day to day outfit

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I waited 10 minutes before the woman from last night came back to my door. "Miss Yoo? Lord Chenle has requested your presence for breakfast." She said and I opened the door. "I'm sorry about the way I behaved last night. I hope we can be friends." I asked holding out my hand and she shook it. "Of course Miss." "Haeun is fine." I smiled.

~small time skip~

The breakfast table was so much more lively than I expected it to be. There were a bunch of men there and the only other woman down there other than me was Queen Hyera.

As soon as I entered the dining hall all eyes snapped to me. I shifted uncomfortably in my spot and waited for the servant, her name was Min by the way, to show me the way to my seat.

"Do not look afraid Haeun, they smell fear." Servant Min jokes around and I nudged her with my arm.

She showed me to my seat and I sat down. "Thank you Minnie." I smiled and she smiled back and left with a curt bow.

Coincidentally, I was seated next to Chenle. He muttered a good morning to me and I muttered one back. Everyone resumed eating and talking and I held my own conversation with them and Chenle. We were laughing at a joke that Chenle said when Jisung walked into the room. I was too busy laughing to notice him so Chenle and I just kept talking.

"Are you not even going to say hello, Chenle? My best friend?" Jisung pointed out as he took a seat across form us and I froze.

Ignoring him I turned my head to the side and saw the woman he was with last night. I felt absolutely sick to my stomach. I tapped Chenle's shoulder and asked for her name. "It's Kang Mirae, she's an wealthy aristocrat. Why? Is something the matter? You look pale." Chenle asked and I looked at Jisung to find he was looking at her. My gaze darkened and I thought "How did Kang Mirae taste? Park Jisung." Jisung's eyes snapped to mine "How-" he began to think back to me and I stood up from the breakfast table.

"I'll leave first." I said to Chenle. "You've scarcely touched your food." Chenle said. "I've lost appetite." I said looking at Jisung before walking out of the dining hall. "I'll come with you." Hyera said placing down her utensils and chasing after me.

Okay sis pop off

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