Chapter Ten

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Author's note

As an author on this platform, it is often hard for me to accept the amount of disrespect I get because of the way I choose to write my stories. I am an emotional writer which means that all of my stories will be emotional and often heartbreaking.

The picture above is what I have as my bio. I put this as my bio in hopes that my readers will understand that they're not going to agree with most of the decisions that I make for my characters. Last night, I was sent a very angry message because of Daniel's death in the last chapter. It was not kind and it made me feel extremely shitty so I have to say this.

My books are not fairytales and they never will be. In real life, people die and people get their hearts broken so I'm not going to write 'happily ever after' stories. If you've come this far into the book and are feeling frustrated, I suggest you leave because this is only chapter ten. There's way more to come and to be honest not all of it will be skittles and rainbows.

Please be kind to one another and respect all of the authors on this platform. We are human too.

Thank so very much for reading and commenting. I love you all from the very bottom of my heart!

Xoxo 😘

(Excuse any errors)

Chapter Ten - Let Me Save You


Jordan's angry expression falls and he looks around. The pack members are standing silently with their mouth agape with shock.

Two of the warriors walk up to the foyer, carrying Daniel's lifeless body. His arm hangs loosely and blood drips from his forefinger. Andrew quickly lays a sheet on the floor, they set him down softly.

There's a huge slash mark around his neck. I blink back the tears in my eyes and look towards Jordan. He's staring at the body wide-eyed and confused.

He kneels in front of Daniel and grabs his hand, squeezing it softly as if Daniel is only sleeping. "Come on Dan, not you too." He mumbles under his breath. His voice trembles.

He may not have favored me but he saved my life. He saved Charlotte's life. He didn't leave the wounded warrior behind at the gate. Even when the rogue was stalking towards him he didn't let him fall.

He was fighting for us. He was incredibly mean to me but no one deserves death.

"Dan. Please." Jordan sniffles, resting his head on Daniel's bloodied chest. The soft sniffles of some of the pack members echo through the silence. The non-wounded warriors get down on one knee and bow their heads in respect. Andrew does the same.

"I'm so sorry. Dan, I'm so sorry." Jordan cries onto his chest. His voice breaks with so much emotion that the tears that I had been holding back break free.

I know little about the relationship Jordan and Daniel had but Daniel said that they were best friends. They once shared everything. They did everything together. In a way, Jordan just lost his Bestfriend.

The rest of the pack members all group up in the foyer and wait in silence.
After a while, Jordan stands up and faces us. His eyes are bloodshot and he looks defeated. With his shoulders hanging low, he finally speaks up.

"Tonight, we were attacked by a rogue pack. Though I do not know the reason for the attack, I will treat it as random. They mostly targeted our warriors and some pack members. It is with great sadness that I announce...Daniel Hardin has passed away. He fought bravely in the frontlines and his courage will never be....his courage...I'm sorry." He stops when his emotions become too much to bear. He turns away and takes a deep breath before resuming.

Let me save you (Completed/Editing) Where stories live. Discover now